This repository is intended as a public issue tracker to gather feedback for and allow discussions around Malpedia.
Please follow Bill and Ted's great philosophy: Be excellent to each other.
We have prepared templates for three categories of issues:
- Bug reports
- Feature requests
- Discussions
The first two should be self-explanatory. Please use Discussions only if the other categories do not fit your concern.
- keep in mind that non-public content on Malpedia is supposed to be handled TLP:AMBER. Review content/screenshots you add to issues with this in mind.
- feel free to comment "+1" into issues to signal that you would like to see them handled with priority.
- open duplicate issues - instead perform a cursory search if your concern fits another issue and "upvote" or comment there.
- ask for accounts/access to Malpedia -- instead mail us directly: contact(at)malpedia(dot)io, or contact us on Twitter.