A nvim plugin that adds the function to write journals in a fully customisable floating window.
- 📔 Floating journal window that gives you a new journal everyday (.md files).
- 😊 Many tabs too help with writing your journals : emojis, titles, history of journals...
- 💫 A little chear up pop up (can be disable if you don't want to be happy).
- ❌ When it is past 23 nvim will remind you to go to sleep.
Install with your favorite package manager
-- You config or nothing if you want the default
This is the default Configuration with the default mappings.
tts_toggle = true
lualine_tts_toggle = false -- If you have lualine it is better
default_pos = "x" -- If you have lualine
emojis = { -- Every default emojis for the emoji tab
"😊", "😀", "😅", "😂", "🤣", "😉", "😍", "😘", "😜", "😎",
"😇", "🥰", "🤩", "😋", "😆", "😁", "😄", "😃", "😚", "😙",
"👍", "👌", "👏", "🙌", "🤝", "🎉", "🎊", "🌟", "🌈", "🎈",
"🎁", "🎀", "🥳", "🍾", "🎶", "🎵", "🍀", "🌺", "🌸",
"✏️", "📝", "📖", "📚", "📔", "📓", "📒", "📕", "📗", "📘",
"📙", "📚", "📖", "📜", "📄", "📃", "📑", "📊", "📈", "📉",
code_blocks = { -- Every default code blocks for the code block tab
"```lua ```",
"```java ```",
"```py ```",
"```sql ```",
"```cpp ```",
journal_tabs = { -- Add here your tabs up to 7 (3 existing tabs currently but planning on adding 2 more)
"emojis", -- The order matters. Emojis will be the first tab with a spacing of 35 and the toggle mapping "1"
"titles", -- Titles comes second so it will be with a spacing of 30 and the toggle mapping "2"
"history", -- Guess
custom_journal_tabs = {
-- custom tabs/ created tabs go in here
journal_tabs_spacing = { -- Position of tabs relative to the floating window
toggle_tabs_mappings = { -- Tab toggle mappings
mappings = {
journal = { -- Opening and exiting journal floating window
open = "<leader>j", -- In normal mode
open_with_code = "<leader>j", -- In visual mode the code you selected will be pasted in the journal automatically as a code block
save_and_quit = "<Esc>",
tts = { -- Stop the plugin from chearing you up
stop = "<leader>t"
- Open the journal with the mapping you set in the Configuration
- You can enter visual mode, select the code you want to paste in the journal and then open the journal with the mapping you set in the Configuration. The code will be pasted in the journal as a code block.
Every tab works on the action of deleting what you need.
For example in Emoji tab:
- Open it with "1" (default)
- Look for what emoji you want to use
- Delete it (with "dw" or "dd")
- Close tab with "Esc" (default) or "1"
- Paste it ! 🏆
- Open it
- Look for what journal you want to open based on date
- Delete the date (with "dd")
- Close tab with the toggle mapping to confirm your choice
- The journal corresponding to the date you deleted will open. (It saves the journal you were in)
- To create a new tab just write this before your require("time-to-sleep").setup().
require("time-to-sleep").create_tab(tab_name, tab_id, tab_filetype, tab, content)
-- tab_id is what you will use in your config to call the tab: String
-- if tab_file_type is nil then tab_filetype = 'markdown' : String
-- tab is the emoji will represent the tab is the journal menu : String
-- content is what the tab will display once you open it up : Table of String
- In your config don't forget to add the tab_id in the custom_journal_tabs so that the tab will load.
The custom tabs will be placed at the end of the tab list.
config = function()
local time_to_sleep = require("time-to-sleep")
time_to_sleep.create_tab("alphabet", 'alphabet', 'markdown', '🍃', {
lualine_tts_toggle = true,
custom_journal_tabs = {