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Repo for DSA and CP Problems.

My Snippets (Handy methods)

static final int mod = 1_000_000_007;                                          // mod_operation
static long expMod(long base, long exp, long modulo){ // T.C: O(log exp)
    long res = 1; base = base % modulo;if (base == 0) return 0;while (exp > 0) {if ((exp & 1) != 0) res = (res * base) % modulo;exp = exp >> 1;base = (base * base) % modulo;}return res;}
static long modInv(long a, long modulo){return expMod(a , modulo-2 , modulo);}
static long mod_add(long a, long b, long modulo) {a = a % modulo; b = b % modulo; return (((a + b) % modulo) + modulo) % modulo;}
static long mod_mult(long a, long b, long modulo) {a = a % modulo; b = b % modulo; return (((a * b) % modulo) + modulo) % modulo;}
static long mod_sub(long a, long b, long modulo) {a = a % modulo; b = b % modulo; return (((a - b) % modulo) + modulo) % modulo;}
static long mod_div(long a, long b, long modulo) {a = a % modulo; b = b % modulo; return (mod_mult(a, modInv(b, modulo), modulo) + modulo) % modulo;}

static long chineseRemainder(int[] a, int[] m) {                                          // ChineseRT
    This is a theorem that provides a way of solving a system of linear congruences
     Snippet for finding the solution to a 
     system of linear congruences using the Chinese Remainder Theorem
    int M = 1;
    for (int j : m) {
        M *= j;
    long x = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        int Mi = M / m[i];
        x += a[i] * Mi * modInv(Mi, m[i]);
        x %= M;
    return x;

static int closestLeft(int x, int[] arr) {                                          // closestLeft
    // returns index position
    int mid, i = 0, j = arr.length - 1, pos = -1;
    while (i <= j) {
        mid = i + ((j - i) >> 1);
        if (arr[mid] <= x) {
            pos = mid;
            i = mid + 1;
        } else j = mid - 1;
    return pos;

static int closestRight(int x, int[] arr) {                                          // closestRight
    // returns index position
    int mid, i = 0, j = arr.length - 1, pos = -1;
    while (i <= j) {
        mid = i + ((j - i) >> 1);
        if (arr[mid] >= x) {
            pos = mid;
            j = mid - 1;
        } else i = mid + 1;
    return pos;

static ArrayList<Integer> printDivisors(int n) {                                          // Divisors
    ArrayList<Integer> ans = new ArrayList<>();
    // Loop runs till square root
    int sqrt = (int) Math.sqrt(n);
    for (int i = 1; i <= sqrt; i++) {
        if (n % i == 0) {
            if (n / i == i)
            else {
                ans.add(n / i);
    return ans;

static TreeMap<Integer, Integer> primeFactors(int n) {                                          // Divisors_n_Power
    TreeMap<Integer, Integer> hm = new TreeMap<>(); //Replace with HashMap if order not necessary 
    // Time - O( sqrt n )
    // Print the number of 2s that divide n
    while (n % 2 == 0) {
        hm.put(2, hm.getOrDefault(2, 0) + 1);
        n /= 2;
    for (int i = 3; i <= Math.sqrt(n); i += 2) {
        // While i divides n, print i and divide n
        while (n % i == 0) {
            hm.put(i, hm.getOrDefault(i, 0) + 1);
            n /= i;
    if (n > 2)
        hm.put(n, hm.getOrDefault(n, 0) + 1);
    //        System.out.println(hm);
    return hm;  // contain prime no which is factor as key and its power as value

static int phi(int n) {                                          // EulerTotientFun
    // function counts the number of +ve integers coprime <= n
    // phi( X ) = X-1 if X is prime
    // phi (A*B) = (A-1)(B-1) if gcd(A,B) == 1
    // Let n = p1^q1 * p2^q2 * p3^q3 ... pk^qk where pi (1<=i<=k) is prime
    // phi (n) = n*(1-1/p1)*(1-1/p2)*....*(1-1/pk) .

    int result = n;
    for (int i = 2; i * i <= n; i++) {
        if (n % i == 0) {
            while (n % i == 0) {
                n /= i;
            result -= result / i;
    if (n > 1) {
        result -= result / n;
    return result;

static long exp(long base, long exp) {                                          // exp
    if (exp == 0) return 1;
    if (exp % 2 == 0) return exp(base * base, exp / 2);
    return base * exp(base, exp - 1);

static long binMultiply(long a, long b) {                                          
    long ans = 0;
    while (b > 0) {
        if ((b & 1) == 1)
            ans = (ans + a);
        a = (a + a);
        b >>= 1;
    return ans;

static long expBinary(long a, long b) // T.C. : O(bits count in b)                                           // expBinary
    long ans = 1;
    while (b > 0) {
        if ((b & 1) == 1) ans = binMultiply(ans, a);
        a = binMultiply(a, a);
        b >>= 1;
    return ans;

static int[] extendedEuclid(int a, int b) {                                          // ExtendedEuclid
     // Let gcd(a,b) = g
     // Ext Euclid's algo return x and y satisfying eq ax + by = g
    int x = 0, y = 1, u = 1, v = 0;
    while (a != 0) {
        int q = b / a;
        int r = b % a;
        int m = x - u * q;
        int n = y - v * q;
        b = a;a = r;x = u;y = v;u = m;v = n;
    return new int[]{b, x, y};   // b-> gcd -> x and y is eq unknowns

static long floorSqrt (long x) {                                          // floorSqrt
        long ans = 0;
        for (long k = 1L << 30; k != 0; k /= 2) {
            if ((ans + k) * (ans + k) <= x) {
                ans += k;
        return ans;

static int gcd(int a, int b) { // TC- O(logmax(a,b))                                          // gcd
        if (b == 0) return a;
        return gcd(b, a % b);

static boolean isPalindrome(String str)                                          // isPalindrome
    int i = 0, j = str.length() - 1;
    while (i < j) {
        if (str.charAt(i) != str.charAt(j))
        return false;
    return true;

static boolean isPrime(int a) {                                          // isPrime
        if (a <= 1) return false;
        if (a <= 3) return true;
        if (a % 2 == 0 || a % 3 == 0) return false;
        for (int i = 5; i * i <= a; i = i + 6)
            if (a % i == 0 || a % (i + 2) == 0)
                return false;
        return true;

static int knapsack(int[] w, int[] v, int W) {                                          // Knapsack
        // w weights and v value for each corresp. weight returns max value under max weight sum pick of W
        int n = w.length;
        int[][] dp = new int[n + 1][W + 1];
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            for (int j = 1; j <= W; j++) {
                dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j];
                if (j >= w[i - 1]) {
                    dp[i][j] = Math.max(dp[i][j], dp[i - 1][j - w[i - 1]] + v[i - 1]);
        return dp[n][W];

static int lcm(int a, int b) {                                          // lcm
    return (a / gcd(a, b)) * b;

static int longestCommonSubsequence(String s1, String s2) {                                          // LongestCS
        // return lenght of longest common subs int s1 and s2
        int m = s1.length();
        int n = s2.length();
        int[][] dp = new int[m + 1][n + 1];
        for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
            for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
                if (s1.charAt(i - 1) == s2.charAt(j - 1)) {
                    dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1] + 1;
                } else {
                    dp[i][j] = Math.max(dp[i - 1][j], dp[i][j - 1]);
        return dp[m][n];

static int minOfThree(int a, int b, int c) {                                          // minOfThree
        if (a < b) return a < c ? a : c;
        else return b < c ? b : c;

static long nCk_slow(int n, int k) {                                          // nCk

    if(k > n-k) k= n-k; //n C k == n C (n-k)
    long res = 1;
    for (int i = n - k + 1; i <= n; ++i)
        res *= i;
    for (int i = 2; i <= k; ++i)
        res /= i;
    return res;

static long[] factorials = new long[2_000_001];                                          // nCk_Many
static long[] invFactorials = new long[2_000_001];
static void preCompFacts() {
    factorials[0] = invFactorials[0] = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i < factorials.length; i++)
        factorials[i] = mod_mult(factorials[i - 1], i,mod);
    invFactorials[factorials.length - 1] = modInv(factorials[factorials.length - 1],mod);
        for (int i = invFactorials.length - 2; i >= 0; i--)
            invFactorials[i] = mod_mult(invFactorials[i + 1], i + 1,mod);
static long nCk(int n, int k) {
    return mod_mult(factorials[n], mod_mult(invFactorials[k], invFactorials[n - k],mod),mod);

private static class Pair { // dont use Arrays.fill to fill Class type array                                          // Pair Class
        int key;
        int val;

        public Pair(int key, int val) {
            this.key = key;
            this.val = val;
public static class Custom_Comparator implements Comparator<Pair> {                                          // Pair Comparator
    // return o1.key-o2.key   --> Sort in Asc order
    public int compare(Pair o1, Pair o2) {
        return 0;

static final Random random = new Random();

static void ruffleSort(int[] a) {                                          // ruffle_Sort
        int n = a.length;  //shuffle then sort to decrease worst case probability
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            int oi = random.nextInt(n), temp = a[oi];
            a[oi] = a[i];
            a[i] = temp;

static class SegmentedTree { // object takes arr size as defined in constructor                                // SegmentTree
        // Change as per need
        // Use updater,builder,finder helpers

        int arr_size;
        int[] seg;
        public SegmentedTree(int n){
            this.seg = new int[4*n]; // Safer side 
            this.arr_size = n;
        void build(int[] a,int vertex,int l,int r){ // vertex=1
            if(l==r) {
                seg[vertex] = a[l];
            int mid= l + (r-l)/2;

            seg[vertex] = seg[vertex<<1]+seg[(vertex<<1)|1];

        int find(int vertex,int seg_l,int seg_r,int l,int r){ // query operations here
            if(seg_l==l && seg_r==r) return seg[vertex];
            if(l>r) return 0;
            int mid= seg_l + (seg_r-seg_l)/2;
            return find(vertex<<1,seg_l,mid,l,Math.min(mid,r)) +

        void update(int vertex,int pos,int value,int seg_l,int seg_r){
            if(seg_l==seg_r) seg[vertex] = value;
            else {
                int mid=seg_l+(seg_r-seg_l)/2;
                if(pos<=mid) update(vertex<<1,pos,value,seg_l,mid);
                else update(vertex<<1|1,pos,value,mid+1,seg_r);

                seg[vertex] = seg[vertex<<1] + seg[(vertex<<1)|1];
        void builder(int[] a){
        void updater(int pos,int value){
        int finder(int l,int r){
            return find(1,0,arr_size-1,l,r);

static int[] seive(int n){                                          // seiveOfErt
    int[] prime=new int[n+1];
    prime[0]=prime[1]=1;   //non prime 1 and prime 0.
    for(int i=2;i<=n;i++)if(prime[i] == 0) for(int j=i*i;j<=n && j>-1;j+=i) prime[j]=1;
    return prime;

static int setBitsCt(long n)                                          // set_bit-count
    int count = 0;
    while (n > 0) {
    count += n & 1;
    n >>= 1;
    return count;

static long sqrt_floor(long x)                                          // floor_sqrt
        long left = 0, right = x<=2000000123?2000000123:9223372036854775805L;
        while (right > left)
            long mid = (left + right) / 2;

            if (mid * mid > x)
                right = mid;
                left = mid + 1;
        return left - 1;

int[][] dp= new int[n+1][17]; // height of tree							// Binary_lift
Queue<int[]> q=new LinkedList<>(); // {node,parent}
q.add(new int[]{root,-1});
while (q.size() > 0){
    int node = q.peek()[0];
    int parent = q.peek()[1];
    dp[node][0] = parent;
    for(i=1;i<17;i++){  // lca[node][x] = lca[lca[node][x-1]][x-1]
        if(dp[node][i-1] == -1) dp[node][i]=-1;
        else dp[node][i] = dp[dp[node][i-1]][i-1];
    for(int vv:al[node]){
        if(vv==parent) continue;
        q.add(new int[]{vv,node});

static int kth_ancestor(int Node,int k,int[][] dp){						// Kth_ancestor
        // Kth ancestor of Node
        // Using Binary manipulation
        // 110100 using LSB
        if(k==0) return Node;
        int lst_val = k&(-k);
        int lst_bit = (int) (Math.log(lst_val)/Math.log(2));
        if(dp[Node][lst_bit] == -1) return -1;
        return kth_ancestor(dp[Node][lst_bit],k^lst_val,dp);

static class FenwickTree {							// fenwick Tree

    long[] BIT; // hold fenwick tree
    int max;

    FenwickTree(int[] arr) { // constructor
        BIT = new long[arr.length + 1];
        max = arr.length + 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            Update(i + 1, arr[i]);

    void Update(int pos, int val) {
        // if sum BIT better val be the delta value
        while (pos < max) {
            BIT[pos] += val;
            pos += pos & -pos;

    long query(int pos) {
        // 1 based BIT
        long ans = 0;
        while (pos > 0) {
            ans += BIT[pos];
            pos -= pos & -pos;
        return ans;

static boolean bellmanFord(int[][] tuple,int source,int[] dist){		// bellman
        // false if cycle is present and algo can't be applied
        // if graph is undirected check if any single edge is negative then cycle present
        // tuples of form (a,b,w) where a->b is a node with weight w, tuple[i].length = 3
        int n=dist.length-1;
        int limit = (int) 1e8;
        for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) dist[i]=limit;
        dist[source] = 0;
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
            for(int[] t:tuple){
                int a=t[0],b=t[1],w=t[2];
                dist[b] = Math.min(dist[b],dist[a]+w);
                dist[a] = Math.min(dist[a],dist[b]+w); // Extra for undirected graph

        for(int[] t:tuple){
            int a=t[0],b=t[1],w=t[2];
            if(dist[a]!=limit && dist[a]+w < dist[b]) return false;
            if(dist[b]!=limit && dist[b]+w < dist[a]) return false;
            // cycle check
        return true;

static void floydWarshall(int[][] dist,int[][] adj){					// floydWarshall

        int nodes = dist.length-1;
        for(int i=1;i<=nodes;i++){
            for(int j=1;j<=nodes;j++){
                if(i==j) dist[i][j]=0;
                else dist[i][j]=adj[i][j];
        for(int i=1;i<=nodes;i++){ // intermediate node
            for(int j=1;j<=nodes;j++){
                for(int k=1;k<=nodes;k++){
                    dist[j][k] = Math.min(dist[j][k], dist[j][i]+dist[i][k]); // min( j -> k, j -> i -> k )
                    dist[k][j] = dist[j][k]; // for undirected

static long[] p1,p2,hash1,hash2;										// rolling_hash
static int mod = 1000000007,b1 = 131,b2=137;

static void hash_str(String s){
    int n=s.length();
    p1 = new long[n];p2=new long[n];
    p1[0]=p2[0] = 1;
    for(int i=1;i<n;i++){
        p1[i] = p1[i-1]*b1 % mod;
        p2[i] = p2[i-1]*b2 % mod;
    // abcb -> a*1 + b*(b1^1) + c*(b1^2) + b*(b1^3)
    hash1 = new long[n];hash2= new long[n];
    hash1[0] = hash2[0] = s.charAt(0)-48;
    for(int i=1;i<n;i++){
        hash1[i] = ((hash1[i-1] * b1)%mod + (s.charAt(i)-48)) %mod;
        hash2[i] = ((hash2[i-1] * b2)%mod + (s.charAt(i)-48)) %mod;
static long get_str(int l,int r){
    // inclusive l and r     
    long h1 = (hash1[r] - (l>0 ? hash1[l-1] * p1[r-l+1] % mod : 0) + mod) % mod;
    long h2 = (hash2[r] - (l>0 ? hash2[l-1] * p2[r-l+1] % mod : 0) + mod) % mod;
    // padding hash[l-1] with values to reach equal degree with hash[r];
    return ((h1<<31) | h2);

  | ________________ |
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My Snippets (Inputs)

static FastRead sc = new FastRead(;                                                   // input
static PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out);
private static class FastRead {
    private final InputStream stream;private final byte[] buf = new byte[1<<18];private int curChar, numChars;public FastRead (InputStream stream) { = stream;}
    public FastRead (String file) throws IOException { = new FileInputStream (file);}
    void run() {try {PrintStream fs = new PrintStream("error.txt");System.setErr(fs);} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace();}} //error.txt handler
    public int cscan () throws IOException {
        if (curChar >= numChars) {curChar = 0;numChars = (buf);}if (numChars == -1) return numChars;return buf[curChar++];}
    public int nextInt () throws IOException {
        int c = cscan (), sgn = 1;while (space (c)) c = cscan ();if (c == '-') {sgn = -1;c = cscan ();}
        int res = 0;do {res = (res << 1) + (res << 3);res += c - '0';c = cscan ();} while (!space (c));return res * sgn;}
    public String nextString () throws IOException {
        int c = cscan ();while (space (c)) c = cscan ();StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder ();do {res.appendCodePoint (c);c = cscan ();} while (!space (c));
        return res.toString ();}
    public double nextDouble () throws IOException {
        int c = cscan (), sgn = 1;while (space (c)) c = cscan ();if (c == '-') {sgn = -1;c = cscan ();}double res = 0;
        while (!space (c) && c != '.') {if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') return res * exp(10, nextInt ()); res *= 10;res += c - '0';c = cscan ();}
        if (c == '.') {c = cscan ();double m = 1;while (!space (c)) {if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') return res * exp(10, nextInt ());m /= 10;res += (c - '0') * m;c = cscan ();}}
        return res * sgn;}
    public long nextLong () throws IOException {
        int c = cscan (), sgn = 1;while (space (c)) c = cscan ();if (c == '-') {sgn = -1;c = cscan ();}long res = 0;do {res = (res << 1) + (res << 3);res += c - '0';c = cscan ();}
        while (!space (c));return res * sgn;}
    public boolean space (int c) {return c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == -1;}
static final int mod = 1_000_000_007;
static long mul(long a, long b) {return (a * b) % mod;}
static long exp(long base, long exp) {if (exp == 0) return 1;long half = exp(base, exp / 2); if (exp % 2 == 0) return mul(half, half);return mul(half, mul(half, base));}

public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException {
    int t=sc.nextInt();
    while (t-- >0){

// Second method using BufferedReader Class

static class FastScanner2 {                                                   // cpmode
    BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer("");

    void run(){
            PrintStream fs=new PrintStream("error.txt");
        }catch (FileNotFoundException e){

    String next() {
        while (!st.hasMoreTokens())
            try {
                st=new StringTokenizer(br.readLine());
            } catch (IOException e) {
        return st.nextToken();

    String nextLine() throws IOException {
        return br.readLine();

    int nextInt() {
        return Integer.parseInt(next());

    long nextLong(){
        return Long.parseLong(next());

    double nextDouble() {
        return Double.parseDouble(next());


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