This is "home" for the future "htag demo". It will be a docker app (because my free hosting provider will shutdown my free account, if many people use the online version at the same time)
It will be a lot simpler to intanciate it, on demand ;-)
IMPORTANT : Currently, I'm working on this (the demo is not finnished, and bug a little)
note : The docker is hosted on (in a free account) : so, it may take 50sec to start on-demand, be patient ;-)
You'll need docker command on your host, just run :
docker run -p 8111:8000
docker build -t test && docker run -p 8111:8000 --rm test
And surf to http://localhost:8111
git clone
cd htagdemo
It will open the demo in your browser ;-)
git clone
cd htagdemo
python app_demo/
And surf to http://localhost:8000