kubectl apply -f pod1.yml
kubectl create -f pod-definition.yml
kubectl get pods
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get services
kubectl get deployments
kubectl describe pod pod-name
kubectl delete pod pod-name
kubectl delete -f rc-definition.yaml
kubectl get replicaset
kubectl get rs
kubectl describe replicaset myapp-replicaset
kubectl replace -f replicaset-definition.yaml
kubectl scale --replicas=6 -f replicaset-definition.yaml
kubectl scale replicaset new-replica-set --replicas=5
kubectl delete replicaset myapp-replicaset
kubectl scale deployment.apps/webapp --replicas=3
kubectl create -f deployment-definition.yaml
kubectl get deployments
kubectl delete deployment myapp-deployment
kubectl describe deployments myapp-deployment-1
kubectl get all
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --labels="app=myapp" --dry-run=client -o yaml > nginx-app.yaml
kubectl create deployment --image=nginx nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml > nginx-deployment.yaml
kubectl run --image=nginx nginx
kubectl create deployment --image=nginx nginx
kubectl expose deployment nginx --port 80
kubectl edit deployment nginx
kubectl scale deployment nginx --replicas=5
kubectl set image deployment nginx nginx=nginx:1.18
kubectl expose pod redis --port=6379 --name redis-service --dry-run=client -o yaml
kubectl expose pod nginx --type=NodePort --port=80 --name=nginx-service --dry-run=client -o yaml
kubectl create service nodeport nginx --tcp=80:80 --node-port=30080 --dry-run=client -o yaml
kubectl run redis --image=redis:alpine --dry-run=client -o yaml > redis-pod.yaml
kubectl expose pod redis --port=6379 --name=redis-service
kubectl run custom-nginx --image=nginx --port=8080
kubectl create deployment redis-deploy --image=redis --replicas=2 -n dev-ns\
kubectl get pods --selector env=dev
kubectl get pods --selector bu=finance --no-headers
kubectl get all --selector env=prod
kubectl get pod --selector env=prod,bu=finance,tier=frontend
kubectl taint nodes node1 app=blue:NoSchedule
kubectl describe nodes controlplane | grep Taint
kubectl taint nodes node1 app=blue:NoSchedule- (to remove a taint)
kubectl label nodes node01 size=Large
kubectl label node node01 color=blue\
Static Pods - Static Pod config files are placed in /etc/kubernetes/manifests ; kubernetes controlplane components are deployed as static pods
kubectl run --image=busybox static-busybox --dry-run=client -o yaml --command -- sleep 1000 > /etc/kubernetes/manifests/static-busybox.yaml
kubelet path - /etc/kubernetes/manifests ; /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml
kubectl create configmap -n kube-system my-scheduler-config --from-file=/root/my-scheduler-config.yaml
kubectl logs -f pod-name container-name
kubectl top pod
kubectl top node
k logs deployments/collect-data -c nginx (container nginx only logs)
kubectl rollout status deployment/myapp-deployment
kubectl rollout history deployment/myapp-deployment
kubectl rollout undo deployment/myapp-deployment (RollBack)
Entrypoint (in Dockerfile) -> Command (in Pod YAML) ;
CMD (in Dockerfile) -> args (in Pod YAML); CMD Gets appended to Entrypoint
kubectl create secret generic app-secret --from-literal=key=value
kubectl exec shell-demo -- ps aux
kubectl get all -o wide
kubectl cordon node01
kubectl drain node01
ETCD stores information in key,value stores. All config related data stored in etcd.
kubectl get all --all-namespaces -o yaml > all-deploy-services.yaml
etcdctl snapshot save snapshot.db --cacert --cert --endpoint --key
ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints=https://[]:2379
snapshot save /opt/snapshot-pre-boot.db \
ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --data-dir /var/lib/etcd-from-backup
snapshot restore /opt/snapshot-pre-boot.db \
To restore backup, update volumeMounts in /etc/kubernetes/manifests/etcd.yaml ; /var/lib/etcd -> /var/lib/etcd-from-backup
Always check --data-dir to verify etcd data directory
etcd-server ~ ➜ ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints= --cacert=/etc/etcd/pki/ca.pem --cert=/etc/etcd/pki/etcd.pem --key=/etc/etcd/pki/etcd-key.pem snapshot restore /root/cluster2.db --data-dir /var/lib/etcd-data-new
etcd service config -> vi /etc/systemd/system/etcd.service
etcd-server ~ ➜ systemctl daemon-reload
etcd-server ~ ➜ systemctl restart etcd
kubectl get csr
kubectl certificate approve NAME
kubectl certificate deny NAME
kubectl delete csr NAME
kubectl config view --kubeconfig my-kube-config
kubectl config get-clusters --kubeconfig /root/my-kube-config
kubectl config get-contexts --kubeconfig /root/my-kube-config
kubectl config use-context --kubeconfig=/root/my-kube-config research
kubectl config view --kubeconfig=/root/my-kube-config
kubectl config --kubeconfig=/root/my-kube-config current-context
kubectl get roles
kubectl get rolebinding
kubectl auth can-i get pods --as dev-user
kubectl get pods --as dev-user
Check kubernetes network plugin -> ps -aux | grep kubelet | grep network
CNI Plugin Path -> ls /opt/cni/bin
CNI Plugin configured on kubernetes cluster -> /etc/cni/net.d/
For interface -> ip link ; ip addr; ip route (execute on node ) ; For ip -> also check kubectl logs pod
k get nodes -o wide ; ipcalc -b
Services IP Defined in /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml (--service-cluster-ip-range=
kube-proxy Proxy type -> kubectl logs kube-proxy-4ttzb -n kube-system ; kube-proxy runs as daemonsets
The namespaceSelector from NPs works with Namespace labels ;
Use nameSpaceSelector (also as kubernetes used Automatic Labelling , The Kubernetes control plane sets an immutable label kubernetes.io/metadata.name on all namespaces) \
k get ns --show-labels
Deployment Logs ->
k logs deployments/collect-data -c nginx (container nginx only logs)
If multiple container try to run on same port in a Pod, first will success, other will fail, check logs.
Kubectl Broken ->
check kube-apiserver Pod logs -> /var/log/pods/kube-system_kube-apiserver-controlplane_a94588ab9b1141fe60c1fb951b60579a/kube-apiserver ;
check running pods -> crictl ps ;
crictl logs container-id ;
or docker ps ; docker logs ; (when docker is configured)
for kube-apiserver -> logs -> also check -> journalctl | grep apiserver ;
tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep apiserver ; /var/log/pods ; crictl logs
Kubelet ->
kubelet config on nodes -> check kubelet pod or check kubelet service on node -> service kubelet status ; cat /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml
vi /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf
journalctl -u kubelet
journalctl -u kubelet | grep failed
journalctl -u kubelet | grep error
kubelet logs: /var/log/syslog or journalctl , grep for apiserver or error for debugging
kube-proxy ->
kube-proxy config as daemon set ; kubectl get ds -n kube-system; kube-proxy run kube-proxyconfig-map ;
check kubectl get cm -n kube-system ; kube-proxy runs in kube-system -> check kubectl get ds -n kube-system ;
check /var/lib/kube-proxy/kubeconfig.conf for kube-proxy config ;
Always check the ConfigMap by using k describe cm
to check the path of the config file which should be same and consistent across the ConfigMap and DaemonSet of kube-proxy k get ds -n kube-proxy
Control-Plane Failure ->
check running pods in -n kube-system namespace ;
check kube-scheduler static pod config in /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml
Kube-controller-manager ->
check running static pods in -n kube-system namespace ;
check kube-controller-manager static pod config in /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-controller-manager.yaml
Other errors->
For other errors related to file or Directory Not found , also check volume Mounts , hostPath on the static Pods as the certificates are mounted as volume
check journalctl | grep apiserver
cat /var/log/syslog | grep kube-apiserver ;
For Ingress creation and related Issues, always check Ingress Controller (service) for ports config
Also check ingress class with k get ingressclass ;
k create ingress --help ;
- When creating Ingress, always check Ingress Class as
is required while creating Ingress, also check Ingress Controller - When performing backUp and restore of ETCD, make sure the volumeMounts and Paths are correctly updated in the ETCD Static Pod Config
. - For an external ETCD Configuration , where ETCD is running as a process on an external etcd-server, perform an ETCD Restore on the external ETCD Server by ssh into the external ETCD Server. Inspect the local etcd process by running
ps -ef | grep etcd
. When performing a restore on the external ETCD Server, make sure to update the--data-dir
of backup restore to the local etcd process in/etc/systemd/system/etcd.service
. Also make sure the--data-dir
permissions are correct by runningchown -R etcd:etcd /var/lib/etcd-data-new
& restart ETCD local process after updating -systemctl daemon-reload
&systemctl restart etcd
- Remember that
is the Path where the snapshot will be ReStored, and this path should be updated in /etc/kubernetes/manifests/etcd.yaml , in the command path as well as thevolumeMount
path. - Use
k expose deploy
command to create service for a deployment - it applies right selectors automatically. - Always check selectors in services
- The Storage Class that makes use of VolumeBindingMode set to WaitForFirstConsumer. This will delay the binding and provisioning of a PersistentVolume until a Pod using the PersistentVolumeClaim is created.
- While creating network policy, only specify
sections when making changes. Do not use empty array [ ] in these sections. - For output related questions, use command
k get pod -o json | jq -c 'paths'
to obtain all json paths and thengrep
for required paths. - Always check NameSpace labels using
before using NameSpace as selectors.