Ubuntu 16.04
GCC version 5.4.0
NASM 2.14.02 (64-bit)
The project has been implemented in a pipelined manner with the modules consisting of:
- Lexer (lexer.c)
- Parser (parser.c)
- AST creation (ast.c)
- Symbol Table construction, Type extraction and Scoping (symbol.c)
- Semantic Analysis and Type checking (semanticAnalyzer.c)
- Intermediate Code Generation (intermediateCode.c)
- Code Generation in Assembly (codeGen.
make ./compiler testcase.txt code.asm
nasm -f elf64 -o output.o code.asm gcc output.o ./a.out
nasm -f elf64 -o output.o code.asm gcc output.o -no-pie ./a.out