Browser extension example attempting to provide a decent boilerplate for building web extensions with latest web development tools and practices. Including: ES Modules, testing with Mocha, Sinon and Selenium for e2e, and Webpack for bundling. Also testing in the browser to exercise the browser APIs available to extensions where possible.
is also used to standardize the browser
Goal is to have a decent code base that can target Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
git clone [this repo]
cd extension-testing-example
npm install
npm start
This should get you started developing, it will create a dist/development
directory that you can load into your browser as an extension if you turn on
extensions developer mode.
Webpack will also watch the source files and rebuild automatically.
Then you should be able to load the dist
directory into your browser and see
Fibonacci greatness.
See also Chrome: Getting Started Tutorial and Mozilla: Your First Extension for information about developing extensions.
Development builds include sourcemaps and tests:
npm run build # dist/development
Production/minimized build:
npm run build:prod # dist/production
npm test
You can also click the tests button in the extension popup to run the tests in a separate html page.
E2E tests:
npm run test:e2e
See package.json
scripts property for more options.
Build artifacts (zip file of dist/) are being saved on CirlceCI but you might have to be logged in to see them.