I never liked the default styling of the web directory index on macOS, so I redesign it.
Before 🤢 | After 😍 |
- Download the repository and move the .dot files to the directory you want to style – for instance, on macOS that can be the
folder. - Done!
To toggle visibility of .dot's files, do this on Terminal:
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool TRUE && killall Finder
To get back to the default behavior, just change TRUE
- Responsive
- Sort by name or modification date
- Show/hide hidden files
- Uses favicons from directories
Lots of people have pointed it out alternatives for this project. There's a lot of great stuff out there, so have a look:
- Apaxy: enhance the experience of browsing web directories
- h5ai: a modern HTTP web server index
- LocalTheme: a beautiful and useful theme for localhost
- Windex: stylized directory listings
Code heavily taken from this post on CSS-Tricks. So hats off to Chris Coyier!