This plugin will scan and adapt your source files to include a provided header, e.g. a LICENSE file. By default it will scan every source set and report warnings. It will also create format tasks, which will properly format and apply the specified header. A bulk of the logic comes from the maven-license-plugin.
In your build.gradle file add:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'nl.javadude.gradle.plugins:license-gradle-plugin:0.5.0'
apply plugin: 'license'
This will add two types of tasks for each source set (created by BasePlugin) in your project: one for checking for consistency and one to apply the header, e.g.
- licenseMain : checks for header consistency in the main source set
- licenseFormatMain : applies the license found in the header file in files missing the header
- licenseTest : checks for header consistency in the test source set
The check tasks are added to the standard Gradle check task.
The license task has a properties, most can be set in the extension:
- header -- Specify location of header to use in comparisons, default to project.file('LICENSE')
- ignoreFailures -- Prevent tasks from stopping the build, defaults to false
- dryRun -- Show what would happen if the task was run, defaults to false but also inherits from --dryRun
- skipExistingHeaders -- Skip over files that have some header already, which might not be the one specified in the header parameter, defaults to false
- useDefaultMappings -- Use a long list of standard mapping, defaults to true. See for the complete list
- strictCheck -- Be extra strict in the formatting of existing headers, defaults to false
- sourceSets -- List of sourceSets to create tasks for, will default to all sourceSets created by Java Plugin
- mapping(String ext, String style) -- Adds a mapping between a file extension and a style type
- mapping(Map<String,String> mappings) -- Adds mappings between file extensions and style types
- mapping(Closure) -- Adds mappings between file extensions and a style types, see example below
A license extension is added to the project, which can be used to configure all license tasks. E.g.
license {
header rootProject.file('codequality/HEADER')
strictCheck true
Here is a general overview of the options:
- header -- Specify location of header to use in comparisons, default to project.file('LICENSE')
- ignoreFailures -- Prevent tasks from stopping the build, defaults to false
- dryRun -- Show what would happen if the task was run, defaults to false but also inherits from --dryRun
- skipExistingHeaders -- Skip over files that have some header already, which might not be the one specified in the header parameter, defaults to false
- useDefaultMappings -- Use a long list of standard mapping, defaults to true. See for the complete list
- strictCheck -- Be extra strict in the formatting of existing headers, defaults to false
- sourceSets -- List of sourceSets to create tasks for, will default to all sourceSets created by Java Plugin
- mapping(String ext, String style) -- Adds a mapping between a file extension and a style type
- mapping(Map<String,String> mappings) -- Adds mappings between file extensions and style types
- mapping(Closure) -- Adds mappings between file extensions and a style types, see example below
Supported by default: java, groovy, js, css, xml, dtd, xsd, html, htm, xsl, fml, apt, properties, sh, txt, bat, cmd, sql, jsp, ftl, xhtml, vm, jspx, gsp, json. Complete list can be found in SupportedFormats page of the parent project.
An extensive list of formats and mappings are available by default, see the SupportedFormats link above. Occasionally a project might need to add a mapping to a unknown file type to an existing comment style.
license {
mapping {
// or
license.mapping 'javascript' 'JAVADOC_STYLE'
// or directly on the task
licenseMain.mapping 'javascript' 'JAVADOC_STYLE'
Defining new comment types is not currently supported, but file a bug and it can be added.
Variables in the format ${} format will be substituted, as long as they're values are provided in the extension or the task.
Copyright (C) ${year} ${name} <${email}>
Will be completed with this extension block, the key is adding them via extra properties:
license {
ext.year = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) = 'Company' = ''
// or
licenseMain.ext.year = 2012