Includes implementation of applying a Gaussian HMM model on Physionet2012 data to predict Length of stay of ICU patients The paper written based on this implementation can be found here:
You'll need the following dependenciet to be able to run these scripts, you can install most of these using pip: Python 2.7, scipy, hmmlearn, numpy, sklearn,statsmodel
It is assumed that you've already obtained the dataset file which can be downloaded here:
Once you have the data, and all the data in train folder, put outcome file and the files in this repository into a folder called "HMMphys" to be able to run these scripts without much change.
This repository includes the following files: : running the HMM model on all patients(ICU type 5 ) or single ICU units (1,2,3,4) : running the HMM model on the combined model of training ICU types (1,2) together and (3,4) together too.
apache.txt, mpm.txt, recid.txt,saps.txt, sofa.txt : Output scores used solely for performance comparison with HMM model.
plt.R : R script to generate the circle plots showing count and average length of stay of various start end state pairs.
ttest.R: R script to output ttest values for a given result file containing RMSE values across the different runs for both the baseline model and the HMM model.
Feel free to use these files in your research , but kindly cite us if you end up using these: Mani Sotoodeh, Joyce Ho. (2019). "Improving length of stay prediction using a hidden Markov model." AMIA 2019 Summit
Should you have any questions contact me at: