NOTE: This Project is outdated: typescript can now have jsx directly embedded in the source code
I plan on deleting it soon
A sample project that demonstrates the use of
- Webpack as the building tool
- Typescript as the main programming language
- ReactJS in Typescript
- Embedding JSX inside Typescript with the help of the webpack tx-jsx-loader
- The basic use of Flux
- Using LESS with webpack
For a progressive approach, the project should be cloned then checked out by version (see Installing below)
- v1.0 demonstrates a simple Hello World in ReactJS and the use of webpack ( No React Components, no Flux classes)
- v2.0 demonstrates a simple React Component in Typescript an the use of Props and State
- v3.0 demonstrates a simple Flux app with the updated v2.0 React Component
Files are rather heavily commented. Some comments may have been removed between versions. Start by understanding the webpack config file, then move on to app.ts, then the Counter Component, then the Flux classes
jQuery is referenced but NOT used in the first 3 versions. A v4.0 may follow to show how to use jQuery at the React Compoenent level.
Clone this repo locally using git clone
then run npm install
in the root directory of the project
Checkout the version 1.0 using git checkout -b version1 v1.0
When you are done playing with v1.0, move to v2.0 using git checkout -b version2 v2.0
To build simply run ./node_modules/.bin/webpack
. A public/js/generated/bundle.js
file will be generated
Open public/index.html
in a browser.
Hot Reload
Alternatively, and very useful when developing,
run node_modules/.bin/webpack-dev-server -d --colors --content-base public/ --hot --inlin
Then open your browser at http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/
Any change made to a LESS file will be "hot reloaded" on the page. A change to a Typescript file will trigger a new transpilation and a full reloading of the page (hot reload is not yet available for Typescript)