This project contains Ansible code that creates a baseline in an existing kubernetes environment for use with Viya 4+, generates the manifest for an order, and then can also deploy that order into the kubernetes environment specified.
- Prepare K8s cluster
- Deploy ingress-nginx
- Deploy nfs-client-provisioner for PVs
- Deploy efs-client-provisioner for PVs in aws
- Deploy cert-manager if TLS to be configured
- Manage storageclass
- Deploy Viya
- Retrieve the deployment assets using Viya Orders CLI
- Retrieve cloud configuration from tfstate if using a Viya 4 IaC project
- Run the kustomize process and deploy Viya
- Create affinity rules such that processes are targeted to appropriately labeled nodes.
- Create pod disruption budgets for each service such that cluster maintenance will not let the last instance of a service go down during a node maintenance operation for example.
- kustomize such that data and homes directories are mounted on cas nodes and on compute server instances
- Deploy Viya Monitoring for Kubernetes
- Deploy MPP or SMP CAS servers
- Manage Viya Deployments
- Organize and persist config for any number of Viya deployments across namespaces, cluster, or cloud providers.
This tool supports running both from ansible installed on your local machine or via a docker container. The Dockerfile for the container can be found here
- terraform 0.13.4
- ansible 2.9
- unzip
- tar
- kubectl 1.18
- kustomize 3.7
- python 3
- pip 3
- openshift pip module
- dnspython python module
- helm 3
- git
- docker
Prior to running this playbook some infrastructure needs to be in place
Kubernetes cluster: You can either bring your own K8s cluster or use one of the Viya 4 IAC projects to create a cluster using terraform.
Storage: When using nfs based storage (like Azure NetApp or EFS), then the storage needs certain folders setup. There needs to be a PVs folder created under the export path. This is used for PVs. Additionally, a folder needs to be created for each cluster with sub-folders for bin, data, and homes. Below is the required nfs exports folder structure
<export_dir> <- nfs export path /pvs <- location for persistent volumes /<namespace> <- folder per namespace /bin <- location for open source directories /data <- location for SAS and CAS Data /homes <- location for user home directories to be mounted /astores <- location for astores
JumpBox: This tool can manage nfs folders if you provide ssh access to a JumpBox that has the nfs storage mounted to it at /mnt/viya-share. The Viya 4 IAC projects automate the needed NFS/JumpBox setup if desired. If you wish to manage the nfs server yourself, the JumpBox is not required. Below is the JumpBox folder structure
/mnt/viya-share/ <- mounted nfs export /pvs <- location for persistent volumes /<namespace> <- folder per namespace /bin <- location for open source directories /data <- location for SAS and CAS Data /homes <- location for user home directories to be mounted /astores <- location for astores
# clone repo
git clone
# move to directory
cd viya4-deployment
# install ansible collections
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yaml -f
# clone repo
git clone
# move to directory
cd viya4-deployment
# build container
docker build -t viya4-deployment .
The playbook uses ansible vars for configuration. It is recommended to encrypt both this file and the other configs (sitedefault, kubeconfig, and tfstate) using ansible vault.
The ansible vars file is the main configuration file. Create a file named ansible-vars.yaml to customize any input variable value. For starters, you can copy one of the provided example variable definition files in ./examples folder. For more details on the variables declared in ansible-vars-azure.yaml refer to
This is a normal VIYA sitedefault file. If none is supplied, the example sitedefault.yaml will be used.
Kubernetes access config file. When not integrating with SAS Viya 4 IaC projects, this must be provided
When integrating with SAS Viya 4 IaC projects, you can provide the tfstate file to have the kubeconfig and other setting auto-discovered. The ansible-vars-iac-azure.yaml example file shows the values that need to be set when using the iac integration.
This following information is parsed from the integration:
- Cloud
- Cloud NAT IP address
- JumpBox
- JUMP_SVR_PRIVATE_KEY (if a random one is generated)
- Postgres (When V4_CFG_POSTGRES_TYPE is set to external)
viya4-deployment fully manages the kustomize.yaml file. Users can make change by adding custom overlays into sub-folders under the site-config folder. If this is the first time you are running the tool and you need customizations, you can create the folder structure below.
<base_dir> <- parent directory
/<cluster> <- folder per cluster
/<namespace> <- folder per namespace
/site-config <- location for all customizations
... <- folders containing user defined customizations
Viya customizations are automatically read in from folders under site-config. To do so, first create the folder structure detailed in the customizations section above. Afterwards you can copy the desired overlays into a sub-folder under site-config. Once complete you can run the viya4-deployment tool and it will detect and add the overlays to the proper section in the kustomize.yaml
Note that you do not need to modify the kustomize.yaml. The tool will automatically add the custom overlays to the kustomize.yaml file.
For Example:
- /deployments is the BASE_DIR
- Cluster named demo-cluster
- Namespace will be named demo-ns
- Add in a custom overlay that modifies cas
/deployments <- parent directory
/demo-cluster <- folder per cluster
/demo-ns <- folder per namespace
/site-config <- location for all customizations
/cas-server <- folder containing user defined customizations
/my_custom_overlay.yaml <- my custom overlay
If you enable the embedded openldap server, it is likely you would like to change the users/groups that will be created. This can be done like any other customizations. First create the folder structure detailed in the customizations section above. Afterwards copy the examples/openldap folder into the site-config folder. Inside the openldap folder is openldap-modify-users.yaml file. Modify it to match your desired setup. Once complete you can run the viya4-deployment tool and it will see and use this setup when creating the openldap server.
Note that then can only be used when first deploying the openldap server. Afterwards, you can either delete and redeploy the openldap server with a new config or add users via ldapadd.
For Example:
- /deployments is the BASE_DIR
- Cluster named demo-cluster
- Namespace will be named demo-ns
- Add overlay with custom ldap setup
/deployments <- parent directory
/demo-cluster <- folder per cluster
/demo-ns <- folder per namespace
/site-config <- location for all customizations
/openldap <- folder containing user defined customizations
/openldap-modify-users.yaml <- openldap overlay
All configs needed by ansible are also needed to be mounted into the docker container. In general any file/folder path set via an ansible flag are equivalent to the file/folder being mounted to the docker container at /config/<lower_case_variable_name>.
- The ansible flag
is equivalent to-v <path_to_file>:/config/kubeconfig
when running the docker container - The ansible flag
is equivalent to-v <path_to_file>:/config/jump_svr_private_key
when running the docker container - The ansible flag
is equivalent to-v <path_to_file>:/config/v4_cfg_sitedefault
when running the docker container
Below are the only exceptions:
Ansible Flag | Docker Mount Path | Description | Required |
-e BASE_DIR | /data | local folder in which all the generated files can be stored. If you do not wish to save the files, this can be omitted | false |
--vault-password-file | /config/vault_password_file | Full path to file containing the vault password | false |
In the example command line below, replace each of the <> values, such as "<path_to_kubeconfig_file>", with the appropriate value.
ansible-playbook \
-e BASE_DIR=<path_to_store_files> \
-e KUBECONFIG=<path_to_kubeconfig_file> \
-e CONFIG=<path_to_ansible_vars_file> \
-e TFSTATE=<path_to_tfstate_file> \
-e JUMP_SVR_PRIVATE_KEY=<path_ssh_private_key> \
playbooks/playbook.yaml \
--tags "<desired_tasks>,<desired_action>"
In the example command line below, replace each of the <> values, such as "<path_to_kubeconfig_file>", with the appropriate value.
docker run \
-v <path_to_store_files>:/data \
-v <path_to_kubeconfig_file>:/config/kubeconfig \
-v <path_to_ansible_vars_file>:/config/config \
-v <path_to_tfstate_file>:/config/tfstate \
-v <path_ssh_private_key>:/config/jump_svr_private_key \
viya4-deployment --tags "<desired_tasks>,<desired_action>"
Actions are used to determine whether in install or uninstall software. One must be set when running the playbook
Name | Description |
Install | Installs the stack required for the specified tasks |
Uninstall | Uninstalls the stack required for the specified tasks |
Any number of tasks can be ran at the same time. This means you could run an action against a single task or all the task.
Name | Description |
baseline | Installs needed cluster level tooling needed for all viya deployments. These may include, cert-manager, ingress-nginx, nfs-client-provisioners and more |
viya | Deploys viya |
cluster-logging | Installs cluster-wide logging using the viya4-monitoring-kubernetes project. |
cluster-monitoring | Installs cluster-wide monitoring using the viya4-monitoring-kubernetes project. |
viya-monitoring | Installs viya namespace level monitoring using the viya4-monitoring-kubernetes project. |
When running the baseline action an ingress will be created. You will need to register this ingress ip with your dns provider such that
- An A record (ex. points to the <ingress_ip>
- A wildcard (ex * points to the <ingress_ip>
When running the viya action with V4_CFG_CONNECT_ENABLE_LOADBALANCER true a load balancer will be created to allow external SAS/CONNECT clients to connect to Viya. You will need to register this load balancer ip with your dns provider such that an A record (ex. points to the <connect_load_balancer_ip>
I have a new cluster, deployed using Viya 4 IaC for Azure project, and want to install everything using docker
docker run \ -v $HOME:/data \ -v $HOME/ansible-vars.yaml:/config/config \ -v $HOME/viya4-iac-azure/terraform.tfstate:/config/tfstate \ viya4-deployment --tags "baseline,viya,cluster-logging,cluster-monitoring,viya-monitoring,install"
I have a new cluster, deployed using Viya 4 IaC for Azure project, and want to install everything using ansible
ansible-playbook \ -e BASE_DIR=$HOME \ -e CONFIG=$HOME/ansible-vars.yaml \ -e TFSTATE=$HOME/viya4-iac-azure/terraform.tfstate \ viya4-deployment --tags "baseline,viya,cluster-logging,cluster-monitoring,viya-monitoring,install"
I have a custom built cluster and want to baseline and deploy viya only using ansible
ansible-playbook \ -e BASE_DIR=$HOME \ -e KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config \ -e CONFIG=$HOME/ansible-vars.yaml \ -e JUMP_SVR_PRIVATE_KEY=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa \ playbooks/playbook.yaml --tags "baseline,viya,install"
I have an existing cluster with viya installed and want to install another viya instance in a different namespace with monitoring, using docker
docker run \ -v $HOME:/data \ -v $HOME/viya-deployments/deployments/azure/my_az_account/demo-aks/namespace2/site-config/defaults.yaml:/config/config \ -v $HOME/viya-deployments/deployments/azure/my_az_account/demo-aks/namespace2/site-config/.ssh:/config/jump_svr_private_key \ -v $HOME/viya-deployments/deployments/azure/my_az_account/demo-aks/namespace2/site-config/.kube:/config/kubeconfig \ viya4-deployment --tags "viya,viya-monitoring,install"
I have a cluster with everything installed and want to uninstall everything using docker
docker run \ -v $HOME:/data \ -v $HOME/ansible-vars.yaml:/config/config \ -v $HOME/viya4-iac-azure/terraform.tfstate:/config/tfstate \ viya4-deployment --tags "baseline,viya,cluster-logging,cluster-monitoring,viya-monitoring,uninstall"
Debug mode can be enabled by adding "-vvv" to the end of the docker or ansible commands
We welcome your contributions! Please read for details on how to submit contributions to this project.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.