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Hyperwasm - wasm runtime built using hypersdk.


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Opinionated Framework for Building Hyper-Scalable Blockchains on Avalanche

The freedom to create your own Virtual Machine (VM), or blockchain runtime, is one of the most exciting and powerful aspects of building on Avalanche, however, it is difficult and time-intensive to do from scratch. Forking existing Avalanche VMs makes it easier to get started, like spacesvm or subnet-evm, but is time-consuming and complex to ensure correctness as changes occur upstream (in repos which often weren't meant to be used as a library).

The hypersdk is the first (of many) frameworks dedicated to making it faster, safer, and easier to launch your own optimized blockchain on an Avalanche Subnet. By hiding much of the complexity of building your own blockchain runtime behind Avalanche-optimized data structures and algorithms, the hypersdk enables builders to focus their attention on the aspects of their runtime that make their project unique (and override the defaults only if needed). For example, a DEX-based project should focus on implementing a novel trading system and not on transaction serialization, assuming that is already done efficiently for them.

This opinionated design methodology means that most runtimes built on the hypersdk, called a hypervm, only need to implement 500-1000 lines of their own code to add custom interaction patterns (and don't need to copy-paste code from upstream that they need to keep up-to-date). However, if you do want to provide your own mechanism, you can always override anything you are using upstream if you can compose something better suited for your application. That same DEX-based project may wish to implement custom block building logic that prioritizes the inclusions of trades of certain partners or that interact with certain order books.

Last but certainly not least, the usage of these Avalanche-optimized data structures and algorithms means that your hyperchain can process thousands of transactions per second without needing to hire a team of engineers to optimize it or understanding anything about how it works under the hood...but you can certainly achieve higher throughput if you do ;).


  • hypersdk: framework for building high-performance blockchains on Avalanche
  • hypervm: Avalanche Virtual Machine built using the hypersdk
  • hyperchain: hypervm deployed on the Avalanche Network


hypersdk is considered ALPHA software and is not safe to use in production. The framework is under active development and may change significantly over the coming months as its modules are optimized and audited.


Efficient State Management

All hypersdk state is stored using x/merkledb, a path-based merkelized radix tree implementation provided by avalanchego. This high-performance data structure minimizes the on-disk footprint of any hypervm out-of-the-box by deleting any data that is no longer part of the current state (without performing any costly reference counting).

The use of this type of data structure in the blockchain context was pioneered by the go-ethereum team in an effort to minimize the on-disk footprint of the EVM. We wanted to give a Huge shoutout to that team for all the work they put into researching this approach.

Dynamic State Sync

Instead of requiring nodes to execute all previous transactions when joining any hyperchain (which may not be possible if there is very high throughput on a Subnet), the hypersdk just syncs the most recent state from the network. To avoid falling behind the network while syncing this state, the hypersdk acts as an Avalanche Lite Client and performs consensus on newly processed blocks without verifying them (updating its state sync target whenever a new block is accepted).

The hypersdk relies on x/sync, a bandwidth-aware dynamic sync implementation provided by avalanchego, to sync to the tip of any hyperchain.

Block Pruning

The hypersdk defaults to only storing what is necessary to build/verify the next block and to help new nodes sync the current state (not execute historical state transitions). If the hypersdk did not limit block storage growth, the disk requirements for validators would grow at an alarming rate each day (making running any hypervm impractical). Consider the simple example where we process 25k transactions per second (assume each transaction is ~400 bytes); this would would require the hypersdk to store 10MB per second (not including any overhead in the database for doing so). This works out to 864GB per day or 315.4TB per year.

When MinimumBlockGap=250ms (minimum time betweem blocks), the hypersdk must store at least ~240 blocks to allow for the entire ValidityWindow to be backfilled (otherwise a fully-synced, restarting hypervm will not become "ready" until it accepts a block at least ValidityWindow after the last accepted block). To provide some room for error during disaster recovery (network outage), however, it is recommened to configure the hypersdk to store the last >= ~50,000 accepted blocks (~3.5 hours of activity with a 250ms MinimumBlockGap). This allows archival nodes that become disconnected from the network (due to a data center outage or bug) to ensure they can persist all historical blocks (which would otherwise be deleted by all participants and unindexable).

The number of blocks that the hypersdk stores on-disk, the AcceptedBlockWindow, can be tuned by any hypervm to an arbitrary depth (or set to MaxInt to keep all blocks). To limit disk IO used to serve blocks over the P2P network, hypervms can configure AcceptedBlockWindowCache to store recent blocks in memory.

WASM-Based Programs

In the hypersdk, smart contracts (e.g. programs that run on blockchains) are referred to simply as programs. Programs are WASM-based binaries that can be invoked during block execution to perform arbitrary state transitions. This is a more flexible, yet less performant, alternative to defining all Auth and/or Actions that can be invoked in the hypervm in the hypervm's code (like the tokenvm).

Because the hypersdk can execute arbitrary WASM, any language (Rust, C, C++, Zig, etc.) that can be compiled to WASM can be used to write programs. You can view a collection of Rust-based programs here.

Account Abstraction

The hypersdk provides out-of-the-box support for arbitrary transaction authorization logic. Each hypersdk transaction includes an Auth object that implements an Actor function (identity that participates in an Action) and a Sponsor function (identity that pays fees). These two identities could be the same (if using a simple signature verification Auth module) but may be different (if using a "gas relayer" Auth module).

Auth modules may be hardcoded, like in morpheusvm and tokenvm, or execute a program (i.e. a custom deployed multi-sig). To allow for easy interaction between different Auth modules (and to ensure Auth modules can't interfere with each other), the hypersdk employs a standard, 33-byte addressing scheme: <typeID><ids.ID>. Transaction verification ensures that any Actor and Sponsor returned by an Auth module must have the same <typeID> as the module generating an address. The 32-byte hash (<ids.ID>) is used to uniquely identify accounts within an Auth scheme. For programs, this will likely be the txID when the program was deployed and will be the hash of the public key for pure cryptographic primitives (the indirect benefit of this is that account public keys are obfuscated until used).

Because transaction IDs are used to prevent replay, it is critical that any signatures used in Auth are not malleable. If malleable signatures are used, it would be trivial for an attacker to generate additional, valid transactions from an existing transaction and submit it to the network (duplicating whatever Action was specified by the sender).

It is up to each Auth module to limit the computational complexity of Auth.AsyncVerify() and Auth.Verify() to prevent a DoS (invalid Auth will not charge Auth.Sponsor()).

Optimized Block Execution Out-of-the-Box

The hypersdk is primarily about an obsession with hyper-speed and hyper-scalability (and making it easy for developers to achieve both by wrapping their work in opinionated and performant abstractions). Developers don't care how easy it is to launch or maintain their own blockchain if it can't process thousands of transactions per second with low time-to-finality. For this reason, most development time on the hypersdk thus far has been dedicated to making block verification and state management as fast and efficient as possible, which both play a large role in making this happen.

Parallel Transaction Execution

hypersdk transactions must specify the keys they will access in state (read and/or write) during authentication and execution so that non-conflicting transactions can be processed in parallel. To do this efficiently, the hypersdk uses the executor package, which can generate an execution plan for a set of transactions on-the-fly (no preprocessing required). executor is used to parallelize execution in both block building and in block verification.

When a hypervm's Auth and Actions are simple and pre-specified (like in the morpheusvm), the primary benefit of parallel execution is to concurrently fetch the state needed for execution (actual execution of precompiled golang only takes nanoseconds). However, parallel execution massively speeds up the E2E execution of a block of programs, which may each take a few milliseconds to process. Consider the simple scenario where a program takes 2 milliseconds; processing 1000 programs in serial would take 2 seconds (far too long for a high-throughput blockchain). The same execution, however, would only take 125 milliseconds if run over 16 cores (assuming no conflicts).

The number of cores that the hypersdk allocates to execution can be tuned by any hypervm using the TransactionExecutionCores configuration.

Deferred Root Generation

All hypersdk blocks include a state root to support dynamic state sync. In dynamic state sync, the state target is updated to the root of the last accepted block while the sync is ongoing instead of staying pinned to the last accepted root when the sync started. Root block inclusion means consensus can be used to select the next state target to sync to instead of using some less secure, out-of-consensus mechanism (i.e. Avalanche Lite Client).

Dynamic state sync is required for high-throughput blockchains because it relieves the nodes that serve state sync queries from storing all historical state revisions (if a node doesn't update its sync target, any node serving requests would need to store revisions for at least as long as it takes to complete a sync, which may require significantly more storage).

type StatefulBlock struct {
	Prnt   ids.ID `json:"parent"`
	Tmstmp int64  `json:"timestamp"`
	Hght   uint64 `json:"height"`

	Txs []*Transaction `json:"txs"`

	StateRoot   ids.ID     `json:"stateRoot"`
	WarpResults set.Bits64 `json:"warpResults"`

Most blockchains that store a state root in the block use the root of a merkle tree of state post-exectution, however, this requires waiting for state merklization to complete before block verification can finish. If merklization was fast, this wouldn't be an issue, however, this process is typically the most time consuming aspect of block verification.

hypersdk blocks instead include the merkle root of the post-execution state of a block's parent rather than a merkle root of their own post-execution state. This design enables the hypersdk to generate the merkle root of a block's post-execution state anchronously while the consensus engine is working on other tasks that typically are network-bound rather than CPU-bound, like merklization, making better use of all available resources.

[Optional] Parallel Signature Verification

The Auth interface (detailed below) exposes a function called AsyncVerify that the hypersdk may call concurrently (may invoke on other transactions in the same block) at any time prior/during block execution. Most hypervms perform signature verification in this function and save any state lookups for the full Auth.Verify (which has access to state, unlike AsyncVerify). The generic support for performing certain stateless activities during execution can greatly reduce the e2e verification time of a block when running on powerful hardware.

[Optional] Batch Signature Verification

Some public-key signature systems, like Ed25519, provide support for verifying batches of signatures (which can be more much efficient than verifying each signature individually). The hypersdk generically supports this capability for any Auth module that implements the AuthBatchVerifier interface, even parallelizing batch computation for systems that only use a single-thread to verify a batch.

Multidimensional Fee Pricing

Instead of mapping transaction resource usage to a one-dimensional unit (i.e. "gas" or "fuel"), the hypersdk utilizes five independently parameterized unit dimensions (bandwidth, compute, storage[read], storage[allocate], storage[write]) to meter activity on each hypervm. Each unit dimension has a unique metering schedule (i.e. how many units each resource interaction costs), target, and max utilization per rolling 10 second window.

When network resources are independently metered, they can be granularly priced and thus better utilized by network participants. Consider a simple example of a one-dimensional fee mechanism where each byte is 2 units, each compute cycle is 5 units, each storage operation is 10 units, target usage is 7,500 units per block, and the max usage in any block is 10,000 units. If someone were to use 5,000 bytes of block data without utilizing any CPU/storing data in state, they would exhaust the block capacity without using 2 of the 3 available resources. This block would also increase the price of each unit because usage is above the target. As a result, the price to use compute and storage in the next block would be more expensive although neither has been used. In the hypersdk, only the price of bandwidth would go up and the price of CPU/storage would stay constant, a better reflection of supply/demand for each resource.

So, why go through all this trouble? Accurate and granular resource metering is required to safely increase the throughput of a blockchain. Without such an approach, designers need to either overprovision the network to allow for one resource to be utilized to maximum capacity (max compute unit usage may also allow unsustainable state growth) or bound capacity to a level that leaves most resources unused. If you are interested in reading more analysis of multidimensional fee pricing, Dynamic Pricing for Non-fungible Resources: Designing Multidimensional Blockchain Fee Markets is a great resource.

Invisible Support

Developers must have to implement a ton of complex code to take advantage of this fee mechanism, right? Nope!

Multidimensional fees are abstracted away from hypervm developers and managed entirely by the hypersdk. hypervm designers return the fee schedule, targets, and max usage to use in Rules (allows values to change depending on timestamp) and the hypersdk will handle the rest:

GetMinUnitPrice() Dimensions
GetUnitPriceChangeDenominator() Dimensions
GetWindowTargetUnits() Dimensions
GetMaxBlockUnits() Dimensions

GetBaseComputeUnits() uint64
GetBaseWarpComputeUnits() uint64
GetWarpComputeUnitsPerSigner() uint64
GetOutgoingWarpComputeUnits() uint64

GetStorageKeyReadUnits() uint64
GetStorageValueReadUnits() uint64 // per chunk
GetStorageKeyAllocateUnits() uint64
GetStorageValueAllocateUnits() uint64 // per chunk
GetStorageKeyWriteUnits() uint64
GetStorageValueWriteUnits() uint64 // per chunk

An example configuration may look something like:

MinUnitPrice:               chain.Dimensions{100, 100, 100, 100, 100},
UnitPriceChangeDenominator: chain.Dimensions{48, 48, 48, 48, 48},
WindowTargetUnits:          chain.Dimensions{20_000_000, 1_000, 1_000, 1_000, 1_000},
MaxBlockUnits:              chain.Dimensions{1_800_000, 2_000, 2_000, 2_000, 2_000},

BaseComputeUnits:          1,
BaseWarpComputeUnits:      1_024,
WarpComputeUnitsPerSigner: 128,
OutgoingWarpComputeUnits:  1_024,

StorageKeyReadUnits:       5,
StorageValueReadUnits:     2,
StorageKeyAllocateUnits:   20,
StorageValueAllocateUnits: 5,
StorageKeyWriteUnits:      10,
StorageValueWriteUnits:    3,

Avoiding Complex Construction

Historically, one of the largest barriers to supporting multidimensional fees has been the complex UX it can impose on users. Setting a one-dimensional unit price and max unit usage already confuses most, how could you even consider adding more?

The hypersdk takes a unique approach and requires users to set a single Base.MaxFee field, denominated in tokens rather than usage. The hypersdk uses this fee to determine whether or not a transaction can be executed and then only charges what it actually used. For example, a user may specify to use up to 5 TKN but may only be charged 1 TKN, depending on their transaction's unit usage and the price of each unit dimension during execution. This approach is only possible because the hypersdk requires transactions to be "fully specified" before execution (i.e. an executor can determine the maximum amount of units that will be used by each resource without simulating the transaction).

It is important to note that the resource precomputation can be quite pessimistic (i.e. assumes the worse) and can lead to the maximum fee for a transaction being ~2x as large as the fee it uses on-chain (depending on the usage of cold/warm storage, as discussed later). In practice, this means that accounts may need a larger balance than they otherwise would to issue transactions (as the MaxFee must be payable during execution). In the future, it will also be possible to optionally specify a max usage of each unit dimension to better bound this pessimism.

No Priority Fees

Transactions are executed in FIFO order by each validator and there is no way for a user to specify some "priority" fee to have their transaction included in a block sooner. If a transaction cannot be executed when it is pulled from the mempool (because its MaxFee is insufficient), it will be dropped and must be reissued.

Aside from FIFO handling being dramatically more efficient for each validator, price-sorted mempools are not particularly useful in high-throughput blockchains where the expected mempool size is ~0 or there is a bounded transaction lifetime (60 seconds by default on the hypersdk).

Separate Metering for Storage Reads, Allocates, Writes

To make the multidimensional fee implementation for the hypersdk simpler, it would have been possible to unify all storage operations (read, allocate, write) into a single unit dimension. We opted not to go this route, however, because hypervm designers often wish to regulate state growth much differently than state reads or state writes.

Fundamentally, it makes sense to combine resource usage into a single unit dimension if different operations are scaled substitutes of each other (an executor could translate between X units of one operation to Y units of another). It is not clear how to compare, for example, the verification of a signature with the storage of a new key in state but is clear how to compare the verification of a signature with the addition of two numbers (just different CPU cycle counts).

Although more nuanced, the addition of new data to state is a categorically different operation than reading data from state and cannot be compared on a single plane. In other words, it is not clear how many reads a developer would or should trade for writes and/or that they are substitutes for each other in some sort of disk resource (by mapping to a single unit dimension, performing a bunch of reads would make writes more expensive).

Size-Encoded Storage Keys

To compute the maximum amount of storage units that a transaction could use, it must be possible to determine how much data a particular key can read/write from/to state. The hypersdk requires that all state keys are suffixed with a big-endian encoded uint16 of the number of "chunks" (each chunk is 64 bytes) that can be read/stored to satisfy this requirement.

This constraint is equivalent to deciding whether to use a uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, etc. when storing an unsigned integer value in memory. The tighter a hypervm developer bounds the max chunks to the chunks they will store, the cheaper the estimate will be for a user to interact with state. Users are only charged, however, based on the amount of chunks actually read/written from/to state.

Nonce-less and Expiring Transactions

hypersdk transactions don't use nonces to protect against replay attack like many other account-based blockchains. This means users can submit transactions concurrently from a single account without worrying about ordering them properly or getting stuck on a transaction that was dropped by the mempool.

Additionally, hypersdk transactions contain a time past which they can no longer be included inside of a hypersdk block. This makes it straightforward to take advantage of temporary situations on a hyperchain (if you only wanted your transaction to be valid for a few seconds) and removes the need to broadcast replacement transactions (if the fee changes or you want to cancel a transaction).

On the performance side of things, a lack of transaction nonces makes the mempool more performant (as we no longer need to maintain multiple transactions for a single account and ensure they are ordered) and makes the network layer more efficient (we can gossip any valid transaction to any node instead of just the transactions for each account that can be executed at the moment).

Avalanche Warp Messaging Support

hypersdk provides support for Avalanche Warp Messaging (AWM) out-of-the-box. AWM enables any Avalanche Subnet to send arbitrary messages to any other Avalanche Subnet in just a few seconds (or less) without relying on a trusted relayer or bridge (just the validators of the Subnet sending the message). You can learn more about AWM and how it works here.


AWM is a primitive provided by the Avalanche Network used to verify that a particular BLS Multi-Signatures is valid and signed by some % of the stake weight of a particular Avalanche Subnet (typically the Subnet where the message originated). Specifying when an Avalanche Custom VM produces a Warp Message for signing, defining the format of Warp Messages sent between Subnets, implementing some mechanism to gather individual signatures from validators (to aggregate into a BLS Multi-Signature) over this user-defined message, articulating how an imported Warp Message from another Subnet is handled on a destination (if the destination chooses to even accept the message), and enabling retries in the case that a message is dropped or the BLS Multi-Signature expires are just a few of the items left to the implementer.

The hypersdk handles all of the above items for you except for defining when you should emit a Warp Message to send to another Subnet (i.e. what an export looks like on-chain), what this Warp Message should look like (i.e. what do you want to send to another Subnet), and what you should do if you receive a Warp Message (i.e. mint assets if you receive an import).

Easy Functionality Upgrades

Every object that can appear on-chain (i.e. Actions and/or Auth) and every chain parameter (i.e. Unit Price) is scoped by block timestamp. This makes it possible to easily modify existing rules (like how much people pay for certain types of transactions) or even disable certain types of Actions altogether.

Launching your own blockchain is the first step of a long journey of continuous evolution. Making it straightforward and explicit to activate/deactivate any feature or config is critical to making this evolution safely.

Proposer-Aware Gossip

Unlike the Virtual Machines live on the Avalanche Primary Network (which gossip transactions uniformly to all validators), the hypersdk only gossips transactions to the next few preferred block proposers (using Snowman++'s lookahead logic). This change greatly reduces the amount of unnecessary transaction gossip (which we define as gossiping a transaction to a node that will not produce a block during a transaction's validity period) for any hyperchain out-of-the-box.

If you prefer to employ a different gossiping mechanism (that may be more aligned with the Actions you define in your hypervm), you can always override the default gossip technique with your own. For example, you may wish to not have any node-to-node gossip and just require validators to propose blocks only with the transactions they've received over RPC.

Transaction Results and Execution Rollback

The hypersdk allows for any Action to return a result from execution (which can be any arbitrary bytes), the amount of fee units it consumed, and whether or not it was successful (if unsuccessful, all state changes are rolled back). This support is typically required by anyone using the hypersdk to implement a smart contract-based runtime that allows for cost-effective conditional execution (exiting early if a condition does not hold can be much cheaper than the full execution of the transaction).

The outcome of execution is not stored/indexed by the hypersdk. Unlike most other blockchains/blockchain frameworks, which provide an optional "archival mode" for historical access, the hypersdk only stores what is necessary to validate the next valid block and to help new nodes sync to the current state. Rather, the hypersdk invokes the hypervm with all execution results whenever a block is accepted for it to perform arbitrary operations (as required by a developer's use case). In this callback, a hypervm could store results in a SQL database or write to a Kafka stream.

Support for Generic Storage Backends

When initializing a hypervm, the developer explicitly specifies which storage backends to use for each object type (state vs blocks vs metadata). As noted above, this defaults to CockroachDB's pebble but can be swapped with experimental storage backends and/or traditional cloud infrastructure. For example, a hypervm developer may wish to manage state objects (for the Path-Based Merkelized Radix Tree) on-disk but use S3 to store blocks and PostgreSQL to store transaction metadata.

Continuous Block Production

Unlike other VMs on Avalanche, hypervms produce blocks continuously (even if empty). While this may sound wasteful, it improves the "worst case" AWM verification cost (AWM verification requires creating a reverse diff to the last referenced P-Chain block), prevents a fallback to leaderless block production (which can lead to more rejected blocks), and avoids a prolonged post-bootstrap readiness wait (hypersdk waits to mark itself as ready until it has seen a ValidityWindow of blocks).

Looking ahead, support for continuous block production paves the way for the introduction of chain/validator-driven actions, which should be included on-chain every X seconds (like a price oracle update) regardless of how many user-submitted transactions are present.

Unified Metrics, Tracing, and Logging

It is functionally impossible to improve the performance of any runtime without detailed metrics and comprehensive tracing. For this reason, the hypersdk provides both to any hypervm out-of-the-box. These metrics and traces are aggregated by avalanchego and can be accessed using the /ext/metrics endpoint. Additionally, all logs in the hypersdk use the standard avalanchego logger and are stored alongside all other runtime logs. The unification of all of these functions with avalanchego means existing avalanchego monitoring tools work out of the box on your hypervm.


We've created three hypervm examples, of increasing complexity, that demonstrate what you can build with the hypersdk (with more on the way).

When you are ready to build your own hypervm, we recommend using the morpheusvm as a template!

Beginner: morpheusvm

Who is Morpheus ("The Matrix")?

The morpheusvm provides the first glimpse into the world of the hypersdk. After learning how to implement native token transfers in a hypervm (one of the simplest Custom VMs you could make), you will have the choice to go deeper (red pill) or to turn back to the VMs that you already know (blue pill).

To ensure the hypersdk remains reliable as we optimize and evolve the codebase, we also run E2E tests in the morpheusvm on each PR to the hypersdk core modules.

Moderate: tokenvm

We created the tokenvm to showcase how to use the hypersdk in an application most readers are already familiar with, token minting and token trading.

The tokenvm lets anyone create any asset, mint more of their asset, modify the metadata of their asset (if they reveal some info), and burn their asset. Additionally, there is an embedded on-chain exchange that allows anyone to create orders and fill (partial) orders of anyone else. To make this example easy to play with, the tokenvm also bundles a powerful CLI tool and serves RPC requests for trades out of an in-memory order book it maintains by syncing blocks. If you are interested in the intersection of exchanges and blockchains, it is definitely worth a read (the logic for filling orders is < 100 lines of code!).

To ensure the hypersdk remains reliable as we optimize and evolve the codebase, we also run E2E tests in the tokenvm on each PR to the hypersdk core modules.

Expert: indexvm [DEPRECATED]

The indexvm will be rewritten using the new WASM Programs module.

The indexvm is much more complex than the tokenvm (more elaborate mechanisms and a new use case you may not be familiar with). It was built during the design of the hypersdk to test out the limits of the abstractions for building complex on-chain mechanisms. We recommend taking a look at this hypervm once you already have familiarity with the hypersdk to gain an even deeper understanding of how you can build a complex runtime on top of the hypersdk.

The indexvm is dedicated to increasing the usefulness of the world's content-addressable data (like IPFS) by enabling anyone to "index it" by providing useful annotations (i.e. ratings, abuse reports, etc.) on it. Think up/down vote on any static file on the decentralized web.

The transparent data feed generated by interactions on the indexvm can then be used by any third-party (or yourself) to build an AI/recommender system to curate things people might find interesting, based on their previous interactions/annotations.

Less technical plz? Think TikTok/StumbleUpon over arbitrary IPFS data (like NFTs) but all your previous likes (across all services you've ever used) can be used to generate the next content recommendation for you.

The fastest way to expedite the transition to a decentralized web is to make it more fun and more useful than the existing web. The indexvm hopes to play a small part in this movement by making it easier for anyone to generate world-class recommendations for anyone on the internet, even if you've never interacted with them before.

We'll use both of these hypervms to explain how to use the hypersdk below.

How It Works

To use the hypersdk, you must import it into your own hypervm and implement the required interfaces. Below, we'll cover some of the ones that your hypervm must implement.

Note: hypersdk requires a minimum Go version of 1.20


type Controller interface {
		inner *VM, // hypersdk VM
		snowCtx *snow.Context,
		gatherer ametrics.MultiGatherer,
		genesisBytes []byte,
		upgradeBytes []byte,
		configBytes []byte,
	) (
		config Config,
		genesis Genesis,
		builder builder.Builder,
		gossiper gossiper.Gossiper,
		vmDB database.Database,
		stateDB database.Database,
		handler Handlers,
		actionRegistry chain.ActionRegistry,
		authRegistry chain.AuthRegistry,
		authEngines map[uint8]AuthEngine,
		err error,

	Rules(t int64) chain.Rules // ms

	// StateManager is used by the VM to request keys to store required
	// information in state (without clobbering things the Controller is
	// storing).
	StateManager() chain.StateManager

	// Anything that the VM wishes to store outside of state or blocks must be
	// recorded here
	Accepted(ctx context.Context, blk *chain.StatelessBlock) error
	Rejected(ctx context.Context, blk *chain.StatelessBlock) error

	// Shutdown should be used by the [Controller] to terminate any async
	// processes it may be running in the background. It is invoked when
	// `vm.Shutdown` is called.
	Shutdown(context.Context) error

The Controller is the entry point of any hypervm. It initializes the data structures utilized by the hypersdk and handles both Accepted and Rejected block callbacks. Most hypervms use the default Builder, Gossiper, Handlers, and Database packages so this is typically a lot of boilerplate code.

You can view what this looks like in the tokenvm by clicking this link.


ActionRegistry *codec.TypeParser[Action, *warp.Message, bool]
AuthRegistry   *codec.TypeParser[Auth, *warp.Message, bool]

The ActionRegistry and AuthRegistry inform the hypersdk how to marshal/unmarshal bytes on-the-wire. If the Controller did not provide these, the hypersdk would not know how to extract anything from the bytes it was provided by the Avalanche Consensus Engine.

In the future, we will provide an option to automatically marshal/unmarshal objects if an ActionRegistry and/or AuthRegistry is not provided using a default codec.


type Genesis interface {
	Load(context.Context, atrace.Tracer, state.Mutable) error

Genesis is typically the list of initial balances that accounts have at the start of the network and a list of default configurations that exist at the start of the network (fee price, enabled txs, etc.). The serialized genesis of any hyperchain is persisted on the P-Chain for anyone to see when the network is created.

You can view what this looks like in the tokenvm by clicking this link.


type Action interface {
	// GetTypeID uniquely identifies each supported [Action]. We use IDs to avoid
	// reflection.
	GetTypeID() uint8

	// ValidRange is the timestamp range (in ms) that this [Action] is considered valid.
	// -1 means no start/end
	ValidRange(Rules) (start int64, end int64)

	// MaxComputeUnits is the maximum amount of compute a given [Action] could use. This is
	// used to determine whether the [Action] can be included in a given block and to compute
	// the required fee to execute.
	// Developers should make every effort to bound this as tightly to the actual max so that
	// users don't need to have a large balance to call an [Action] (must prepay fee before execution).
	MaxComputeUnits(Rules) uint64

	// OutputsWarpMessage indicates whether an [Action] will produce a warp message. The max size
	// of any warp message is [MaxOutgoingWarpChunks].
	OutputsWarpMessage() bool

	// StateKeys is a full enumeration of all database keys that could be touched during execution
	// of an [Action]. This is used to prefetch state and will be used to parallelize execution (making
	// an execution tree is trivial).
	// All keys specified must be suffixed with the number of chunks that could ever be read from that
	// key (formatted as a big-endian uint16). This is used to automatically calculate storage usage.
	// If any key is removed and then re-created, this will count as a creation instead of a modification.
	StateKeys(auth Auth, txID ids.ID) []string

	// StateKeysMaxChunks is used to estimate the fee a transaction should pay. It includes the max
	// chunks each state key could use without requiring the state keys to actually be provided (may
	// not be known until execution).
	StateKeysMaxChunks() []uint16

	// Execute actually runs the [Action]. Any state changes that the [Action] performs should
	// be done here.
	// If any keys are touched during [Execute] that are not specified in [StateKeys], the transaction
	// will revert and the max fee will be charged.
	// An error should only be returned if a fatal error was encountered, otherwise [success] should
	// be marked as false and fees will still be charged.
		ctx context.Context,
		r Rules,
		mu state.Mutable,
		timestamp int64,
		auth Auth,
		txID ids.ID,
		warpVerified bool,
	) (success bool, computeUnits uint64, output []byte, warpMessage *warp.UnsignedMessage, err error)

	// Marshal encodes an [Action] as bytes.
	Marshal(p *codec.Packer)

	// Size is the number of bytes it takes to represent this [Action]. This is used to preallocate
	// memory during encoding and to charge bandwidth fees.
	Size() int

Actions are the heart of any hypervm. They define how users interact with the blockchain runtime. Specifically, they are "user-defined" element of any hypersdk transaction that is processed by all participants of any hyperchain.

You can view what a simple transfer Action looks like here and what a more complex "fill order" Action looks like here.


type Result struct {
	Success bool
	Output  []byte

	Consumed Dimensions
	Fee      uint64

	WarpMessage *warp.UnsignedMessage

Actions emit a Result at the end of their execution. This Result indicates if the execution was a Success (if not, all effects are rolled back), how many Units were used (failed execution may not use all units an Action requested), an Output (arbitrary bytes specific to the hypervm), and optionally a WarpMessage (which Subnet Validators will sign).


type Auth interface {
	// GetTypeID uniquely identifies each supported [Auth]. We use IDs to avoid
	// reflection.
	GetTypeID() uint8

	// ValidRange is the timestamp range (in ms) that this [Auth] is considered valid.
	// -1 means no start/end
	ValidRange(Rules) (start int64, end int64)

	// MaxComputeUnits is the maximum amount of compute a given [Auth] could use. This is
	// used to determine whether the [Auth] can be included in a given block and to compute
	// the required fee to execute.
	// Developers should make every effort to bound this as tightly to the actual max so that
	// users don't need to have a large balance to call an [Auth] (must prepay fee before execution).
	// MaxComputeUnits should take into account [AsyncVerify], [CanDeduct], [Deduct], and [Refund]
	MaxComputeUnits(Rules) uint64

	// StateKeys is a full enumeration of all database keys that could be touched during execution
	// of an [Auth]. This is used to prefetch state and will be used to parallelize execution (making
	// an execution tree is trivial).
	// All keys specified must be suffixed with the number of chunks that could ever be read from that
	// key (formatted as a big-endian uint16). This is used to automatically calculate storage usage.
	StateKeys() []string

	// AsyncVerify should perform any verification that can be run concurrently. It may not be run by the time
	// [Verify] is invoked but will be checked before a [Transaction] is considered successful.
	// AsyncVerify is typically used to perform cryptographic operations.
	AsyncVerify(msg []byte) error

	// Verify performs any checks against state required to determine if [Auth] is valid.
	// This could be used, for example, to determine that the public key used to sign a transaction
	// is registered as the signer for an account. This could also be used to pull a [Program] from disk.
		ctx context.Context,
		r Rules,
		im state.Immutable,
		action Action,
	) (computeUnits uint64, err error)

	// Actor is the subject of [Action].
	// To avoid collisions with other [Auth] modules, this must be prefixed
	// by the [TypeID].
	Actor() codec.Address

	// Sponsor is the fee payer of [Auth].
	// To avoid collisions with other [Auth] modules, this must be prefixed
	// by the [TypeID].
	Sponsor() codec.Address

	// CanDeduct returns an error if [amount] cannot be paid by [Auth].
	CanDeduct(ctx context.Context, im state.Immutable, amount uint64) error

	// Deduct removes [amount] from [Auth] during transaction execution to pay fees.
	Deduct(ctx context.Context, mu state.Mutable, amount uint64) error

	// Refund returns [amount] to [Auth] after transaction execution if any fees were
	// not used.
	// Refund will return an error if it attempts to create any new keys. It can only
	// modify or remove existing keys.
	// Refund is only invoked if [amount] > 0.
	Refund(ctx context.Context, mu state.Mutable, amount uint64) error

	// Marshal encodes an [Auth] as bytes.
	Marshal(p *codec.Packer)

	// Size is the number of bytes it takes to represent this [Auth]. This is used to preallocate
	// memory during encoding and to charge bandwidth fees.
	Size() int

Auth shares many similarities with Action (recall that authentication is abstract and defined by the hypervm) but adds the notion of some abstract "payer" that must pay fees for the operations that occur in an Action. Any fees that are not consumed can be returned to said "payer" if specified in the corresponding Action that was authenticated.

The Auth mechanism is arguably the most powerful core module of the hypersdk because it lets the builder create arbitrary authentication rules that align with their goals. The indexvm, for example, allows users to rotate their keys and to enable others to perform specific actions on their behalf. It also lets accounts natively pay for the fees of other accounts. These features are particularly useful for server-based accounts that want to implement a periodic key rotation scheme without losing the history of their rating activity on-chain (which determines their reputation).

You can view what direct (simple account signature) Auth looks like here and what delegate (acting on behalf of another account) Auth looks like here. The indexvm provides an "authorize" Action that an account owner can call to perform any ACL modifications.


type Rules interface {
	// Should almost always be constant (unless there is a fork of
	// a live network)
	NetworkID() uint32
	ChainID() ids.ID

	GetMinBlockGap() int64      // in milliseconds
	GetMinEmptyBlockGap() int64 // in milliseconds
	GetValidityWindow() int64   // in milliseconds

	GetMinUnitPrice() Dimensions
	GetUnitPriceChangeDenominator() Dimensions
	GetWindowTargetUnits() Dimensions
	GetMaxBlockUnits() Dimensions

	GetBaseComputeUnits() uint64
	GetBaseWarpComputeUnits() uint64
	GetWarpComputeUnitsPerSigner() uint64
	GetOutgoingWarpComputeUnits() uint64

	// Controllers must manage the max key length and max value length
	GetColdStorageKeyReadUnits() uint64
	GetColdStorageValueReadUnits() uint64 // per chunk
	GetWarmStorageKeyReadUnits() uint64
	GetWarmStorageValueReadUnits() uint64 // per chunk
	GetStorageKeyCreateUnits() uint64
	GetStorageValueCreateUnits() uint64 // per chunk
	GetColdStorageKeyModificationUnits() uint64
	GetColdStorageValueModificationUnits() uint64 // per chunk
	GetWarmStorageKeyModificationUnits() uint64
	GetWarmStorageValueModificationUnits() uint64 // per chunk

	GetWarpConfig(sourceChainID ids.ID) (bool, uint64, uint64)

	FetchCustom(string) (any, bool)

Rules govern block validity and are requested from the Controller prior to executing any block. The hypersdk performs this request so that the Controller can modify any Rules on-the-fly. Many common rules are provided directly in the interface but there is also an option to provide custom rules that can be accessed during Auth or Action execution.

You can view what this looks like in the indexvm by clicking here. In the case of the indexvm, the custom rule support is used to set the cost for adding anything to state (which is a very hypervm-specific value).

Avalanche Warp Messaging

To add AWM support to a hypervm, an implementer first specifies whether a particular Action/Auth item expects a *warp.Message when registering them with their corresponding registry (false if no expected and true if so):

ActionRegistry.Register(&actions.Transfer{}, actions.UnmarshalTransfer, false)
ActionRegistry.Register(&actions.ImportAsset{}, actions.UnmarshalImportAsset, true)

You can view what this looks like in the tokenvm by clicking here. The hypersdk uses this boolean to enforce the existence/non-existence of a *warp.Message on the chain.Transaction that wraps the Action (marking a block as invalid if there is something unexpected).

Actions can use the provided *warp.Message in their registered unmarshaler (in this case, the provided *warp.Message is parsed into a format specified by the tokenvm):

func UnmarshalImportAsset(p *codec.Packer, wm *warp.Message) (chain.Action, error) {
	var (
		imp ImportAsset
		err error
	imp.Fill = p.UnpackBool()
	if err := p.Err(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	imp.warpMessage = wm
	imp.warpTransfer, err = UnmarshalWarpTransfer(imp.warpMessage.Payload)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Ensure we can fill the swap if it exists
	if imp.Fill && imp.warpTransfer.SwapIn == 0 {
		return nil, ErrNoSwapToFill
	return &imp, nil

This WarpTransfer object looks like:

type WarpTransfer struct {
	To    crypto.PublicKey `json:"to"`
	Asset ids.ID           `json:"asset"`
	Value uint64           `json:"value"`

	// Return is set to true when a warp message is sending funds back to the
	// chain where they were created.
	Return bool `json:"return"`

	// Reward is the amount of [Asset] to send the [Actor] that submits this
	// transaction.
	Reward uint64 `json:"reward"`

	// SwapIn is the amount of [Asset] we are willing to swap for [AssetOut].
	SwapIn uint64 `json:"swapIn"`
	// AssetOut is the asset we are seeking to get for [SwapIn].
	AssetOut ids.ID `json:"assetOut"`
	// SwapOut is the amount of [AssetOut] we are seeking.
	SwapOut uint64 `json:"swapOut"`
	// SwapExpiry is the unix timestamp at which the swap becomes invalid (and
	// the message can be processed without a swap.
	SwapExpiry int64 `json:"swapExpiry"`

	// TxID is the transaction that created this message. This is used to ensure
	// there is WarpID uniqueness.
	TxID ids.ID `json:"txID"`

You can view what the import Action associated with the above examples looks like here

As mentioned above, it is up to the hypervm to implement a message format that it can understand (so that it can parse inbound AWM messages). In the future, we expect that there will be common message definitions that will be compatible with most hypervms (and maintained in the hypersdk).

Star History

Star History

Community Posts

This is a collection of posts from the community about the hypersdk and how to use it in your own hypervm.

Community Projects

This is a collection of community projects building on top of the hypersdk.

Future Work

If you want to take the lead on any of these items, please start a discussion or reach out on the Avalanche Discord.

  • Add support for Fixed-Fee Accounts (pay set unit price no matter what)
  • Use a memory arena (pre-allocated memory) to avoid needing to dynamically allocate memory during block and transaction parsing
  • Add a module that does Data Availability sampling on top of the networking interface exposed by AvalancheGo (only store hashes in blocks but leave VM to fetch pieces as needed on its own)
  • Implement support for S3 and PostgreSQL storage backends
  • Provide optional auto-serialization/deserialization of Actions and Auth if only certain types are used in their definition
  • Add a module that could be used to track the location of various pieces of data across a network (see consistent hasher) of hypervm participants (even better if this is made abstract to any implementer such that they can just register and request data from it and it is automatically handled by the network layer). This module should make it possible for an operator to use a single backend (like S3) to power storage for multiple hosts.
  • Only set export CGO_CFLAGS="-O -D__BLST_PORTABLE__" when running on MacOS/Windows (will make Linux much more performant)


undefined: Message

If you get the following error, make sure to install gcc before running ./scripts/

../../../go/pkg/mod/ undefined: Message


Hyperwasm - wasm runtime built using hypersdk.







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