Note: I’ve moved to a self hosted solution for my RSS needs Miniflux. I no longer use elfeed. I’ll be happy to merge any PRs, but don’t expect any bug fixes/newfeatures from me.
A frontend for elfeed, similar to mu4e landing page. The UI can be customized with org mode.
With straight.el
(straight-use-package '(elfeed-dashboard :type git :host github :repo "Manoj321/elfeed-dashboard"))
Save sample dashboard to a file
curl -o ~/
Install the package
(use-package elfeed-dashboard
:ensure t
(setq elfeed-dashboard-file "~/")
;; update feed counts on elfeed-quit
(advice-add 'elfeed-search-quit-window :after #'elfeed-dashboard-update-links))
Clone this repo, ex: if cloning under ~/.emacs.d/lisp/. Following config should work.
(use-package elfeed-dashboard
:load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/elfeed-dashboard/"
(setq elfeed-dashboard-file "~/.emacs.d/lisp/elfeed-dashboard/")
;; update feed counts on elfeed-quit
(advice-add 'elfeed-search-quit-window :after #'elfeed-dashboard-update-links))
- M-x elfeed-dashboard will bring up the UI
- “E” will let you edit in org-mode
- “U” will fetch new feeds. If elfeed-org is installed then it will call (elfeed-org) before fetching.
- Add new key maps in configuration section and call M-x elfeed-dashboard-mode to install.
Yes please! open github issues
Much thanks to mu4e-dashboard for inspiring me!