We're a community of open source developers from around the world, contributing code to improve the DuckDuckGo search engine.
- Create new Goodie Instant Answers, and improve existing ones
- Note: Goodies are written in Perl (back-end) and JavaScript (front-end). They can also typically use CSS, and Handlebars Templates.
- Visit DuckDuckHack to learn more about how you can help!
- Read the DuckDuckHack Docs to learn how to set up a development environment and start contributing!
Goodies do not retrieve data from a third party API. Goodies provide their results entirely through server-side code. They may use a static data file stored on DuckDuckGo's server, but they do not call external resources.
- Join the DuckDuckHack Slack channel to ask questions
- Join the DuckDuckHack Forum to discuss project planning and Instant Answer metrics
- Read the Goodie documentation for technical help
- View the list of all live Goodie Instant Answers to see more examples