For dotfiles:
cd ~
git clone
cd .dotfiles
stow .
Theme and icons have to be set manually with qt5ct
The list may be incomplete!
sudo pacman -S \
sddm openssh \
alacritty \
vi neovim \
cliphist \
dunst \
wofi \
jre-openjdk jdk-openjdk npm nodejs \
zathura zathura-pdf-poppler \
okular \
texlive biber texlive-lang \
kvantum qt5ct \
awk brightnessctl pamixer \
cmake hyprlang hyprpaper \
hypridle hyprlock \
slurp jq imv \
ttf-font-awesome \
# optional
yay -S \
wluma \
wayshot \
Insert this lines into /etc/sddm.conf.d/default.conf
Once installed openssh
you need to
systemctl --user enable ssh-agent.service
systemctl --user start ssh-agent.service
The following is already given in .zshrc
# ssh-agent
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/ssh-agent.socket"
sudo pacman -S otf-font-awesome
- copiare screenshots negli appunti