libReSet = lib Reentrant Set
libreset is a library in pure C for dealing with sets.
You can, besides required functionality such as inserting, deleting, getting the cardinality and checking equality of sets, do common set operations, including creating unions, intersections, excluding one set from another, xor'ing two sets etc.
The build is cmake based. If you want to build the library, run the following commands from the repository's root directory:
cmake .
Alternatively, if you are helping with development, you can create a debug build.
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .
There is also a Hard Mode option, which sets the Werror flag and thus warnings are treated as errors. (Except a few, like unused functions.)
cmake -DHARD_MODE=On .
If you only want to have a look at the paper, you can build it like this:
cmake .
make paper
The same thing is true for the documentation, which you can build using the following commands:
cmake .
make doc
If this does not generate output, you are missing doxygen from your machine.
Make sure to re-run cmake .
again after installation.
If you want to know how it works, please have a look at the paper (in
) which is provided by the "paper" target.
Please have a look at the file
LGPLv2.1 Licensed.
Please have a look at the LICENSE file