This is a collection of Pluto notebooks aimed at introducing the Julia programing language to folks who have previous experience in scientific computing.
The different notebooks deal with the following aspects:
- The notebook julia_fundamentals.jl deals with the fundamentals of the Julia programing language. What was Julia invented for? What can it accomplish? The basics of Julia syntaxis, and the core of Julia, the type system and functions (including the idea of multiple dipatch)
- The notebook arrays_in_julia.jl deals with the basics of array construction, manipulation and operations in Julia. As an example, we look at different functionalities which come with the Linear Algebra package
After these two notebooks covering some basic aspects of Julia, the rest of notebooks present examples applied to different problems in physics, computer science, and applied mathematics:
- The notebook elementary_CA.jl gives an implementation of the elementary one dimensional cellular automata
I am planning on expanding the number of notebooks providing examples.