MarketJS is a small application that is meant to be used as a proof-of-concept about some technologies that i wanted to dig into.
I'm currently using:
- nodejs
- Typescript
- React
- nextjs
- emotion
- emotion/styles
- React Context
- React Hooks
- Jest
- React Testing Tools (coming soon)
npm start
npm run test
- add tests (in progress!)
- add an in-memory database for local testing and a relational database for production environments
- onboard the application into heroku
- add end-to-end tests (cypress)
- add more complex typescript typing
add badgesadd a continuous delivery service (probably travisci)- the UX sucks (I know!), I'll think a better one
- add more ecommerce functionality like a cart or popups to simulate a "view more".
- add create a docker image & add k8s support