VAST protocol v4 parser on top of serde-rs.
- Error
- Extensions
- Extension
- Pricing
- AdVerifications
- Verification
- JavaScriptResource
- Verification
- Wrapper
- InLine
- AdTitle
- AdSystem
- Impression
- ViewableImpression
- Viewable
- NotViewable
- ViewableUndetermined
- Category
- Creatives
- Creative
- CompanionAds
- Companion
- StaticResource
- CompanionClickThrough
- Companion
- UniversalAdId
- CreativeExtension
- Linear
- NonLinearAds
- NonLinear
- StaticResource
- NonLinearClickThrough
- NonLinear
- Duration
- TrackingEvents
- TrackingEvent
- MediaFiles
- MediaFile
- Mezzanine
- VideoClicks
- ClickThrough
- ClickTracking
- CompanionAds
: Enables DateTime related helpers e.g.v4::util::FromVastTimestamp
is tested against v4.0, v4.1 and v.4.2 XMLs found in VAST_Samples. To test in your local machine, clone VAST_Samples repo
git clone tests/VAST_Samples
Then run test with this command
cargo test --all-features -- --nocapture