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[android, iOS, macOS] Adding Galician translation from Transifex (#14095
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* [android] adding galician strings

* [ios] adding galician strings

* [ios, macos] Added Galician localization to Xcode projects

* [ios, macos] Converted Galician localization to UTF-8

* [android, ios, macos] Updated changelogs
  • Loading branch information
Langston Smith authored Mar 13, 2019
1 parent b17c7e7 commit 42144ce
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Showing 14 changed files with 594 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions platform/android/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ Mapbox welcomes participation and contributions from everyone. If you'd like to

## master

### Features
- Add Galician localization [#14095](

## 7.3.0-alpha.1 - March 7, 2019

### Features
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="mapbox_compassContentDescription">Compás do mapa. Actívao para restabelecer a rotación do mapa cara o norte.</string>
<string name="mapbox_attributionsIconContentDescription">Icona de atribución. Actívaa para amosar o diálogo de atribución.</string>
<string name="mapbox_myLocationViewContentDescription">Vista de ubicación. Amosa a túa ubicación no mapa.</string>
<string name="mapbox_mapActionDescription">Estase a amosar un mapa feito co Mapbox. Belisca dous dedos para desprazarte ou belisca para achegar.</string>
<string name="mapbox_attributionsDialogTitle">Mapbox Maps SDK para o Android</string>
<string name="mapbox_attributionTelemetryTitle">Axúdanos a mellorar os mapas do Mapbox</string>
<string name="mapbox_attributionTelemetryMessage">Grazas á túa contribución de datos anónimos de emprego, axudas a mellorar o OpenStreetMap e o Mapbox.</string>
<string name="mapbox_attributionTelemetryPositive">Dacordo</string>
<string name="mapbox_attributionTelemetryNegative">Rexeitar</string>
<string name="mapbox_attributionTelemetryNeutral">Máis información</string>
<string name="mapbox_attributionErrorNoBrowser">Non podes abrir a páxina web porque non hai un navegador web no dispositivo.</string>
<string name="mapbox_offline_error_region_definition_invalid">O parámetro OfflineRegionDefinition que se ingresou non coincide cos límites mundiais: %s</string>
<string name="mapbox_telemetryImproveMap">Mellorar este mapa</string>
<string name="mapbox_telemetrySettings">Axustes da telemetría</string>
306 changes: 306 additions & 0 deletions platform/darwin/resources/gl.lproj/Foundation.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
/* User-friendly error description */
"ADD_FILE_CONTENTS_FAILED_DESC" = "Non se poden engadir paquetes sen conexión dende o ficheiro en %@.";

/* Clock position format, long: {hours} o’clock */
"CLOCK_FMT_LONG" = "%@ en punto";

/* Clock position format, medium: {hours} o’clock */
"CLOCK_FMT_MEDIUM" = "%@ en punto";

/* Clock position format, short: {hours}:00 */
"CLOCK_FMT_SHORT" = "%@:00";

/* East, long */
"COMPASS_E_LONG" = "leste";

/* East, short */

/* East by north, long */
"COMPASS_EbN_LONG" = "leste polo norte";

/* East by north, short */

/* East by south, long */
"COMPASS_EbS_LONG" = "leste polo sur";

/* East by south, short */

/* East-northeast, long */
"COMPASS_ENE_LONG" = "leste-nordés";

/* East-northeast, short */

/* East-southeast, long */
"COMPASS_ESE_LONG" = "leste-sueste";

/* East-southeast, short */

/* North, long */
"COMPASS_N_LONG" = "norte";

/* North, short */

/* North by east, long */
"COMPASS_NbE_LONG" = "norte polo leste";

/* North by east, short */

/* North by west, long */
"COMPASS_NbW_LONG" = "norte polo oeste";

/* North by west, short */

/* Northeast, long */
"COMPASS_NE_LONG" = "nordés";

/* Northeast, short */

/* Northeast by east, long */
"COMPASS_NEbE_LONG" = "nordés polo leste";

/* Northeast by east, short */

/* Northeast by north, long */
"COMPASS_NEbN_LONG" = "nordés polo norte";

/* Northeast by north, short */

/* North-northeast, long */
"COMPASS_NNE_LONG" = "norte-nordés";

/* North-northeast, short */

/* North-northwest, long */
"COMPASS_NNW_LONG" = "norte-noroeste";

/* North-northwest, short */

/* Northwest, long */
"COMPASS_NW_LONG" = "noroeste";

/* Northwest, short */

/* Northwest by north, long */
"COMPASS_NWbN_LONG" = "noroeste polo norte";

/* Northwest by north, short */

/* Northwest by west, long */
"COMPASS_NWbW_LONG" = "noroeste polo oeste";

/* Northwest by west, short */

/* South, long */
"COMPASS_S_LONG" = "sur";

/* South, short */

/* South by east, long */
"COMPASS_SbE_LONG" = "sur polo leste";

/* South by east, short */

/* South by west, long */
"COMPASS_SbW_LONG" = "sur polo oeste";

/* South by west, short */

/* Southeast, long */
"COMPASS_SE_LONG" = "sueste";

/* Southeast, short */

/* Southeast by east, long */
"COMPASS_SEbE_LONG" = "sueste polo leste";

/* Southeast by east, short */

/* Southeast by south, long */
"COMPASS_SEbS_LONG" = "sueste polo sur";

/* Southeast by south, short */

/* South-southeast, long */
"COMPASS_SSE_LONG" = "sur-sueste";

/* South-southeast, short */

/* South-southwest, long */
"COMPASS_SSW_LONG" = "sur-suroeste";

/* South-southwest, short */

/* Southwest, long */
"COMPASS_SW_LONG" = "suroeste";

/* Southwest, short */

/* Southwest by south, long */
"COMPASS_SWbS_LONG" = "suroeste polo sur";

/* Southwest by south, short */

/* Southwest by west, long */
"COMPASS_SWbW_LONG" = "suroeste polo oeste";

/* Southwest by west, short */

/* West, long */
"COMPASS_W_LONG" = "oeste";

/* West, short */

/* West by north, long */
"COMPASS_WbN_LONG" = "oeste polo norte";

/* West by north, short */

/* West by south, long */
"COMPASS_WbS_LONG" = "oeste polo sur";

/* West by south, short */

/* West-northwest, long */
"COMPASS_WNW_LONG" = "oeste-noroeste";

/* West-northwest, short */

/* West-southwest, long */
"COMPASS_WSW_LONG" = "oeste-suroeste";

/* West-southwest, short */

/* Degrees format, long */
"COORD_DEG_LONG" = "%d grao(s)";

/* Degrees format, medium: {degrees} */

/* Degrees format, short: {degrees} */
"COORD_DEG_SHORT" = "%d°";

/* Coordinate format, long: {degrees}{minutes} */
"COORD_DM_LONG" = "%1$@ e %2$@";

/* Coordinate format, medium: {degrees}{minutes} */
"COORD_DM_MEDIUM" = "%1$@%2$@";

/* Coordinate format, short: {degrees}{minutes} */
"COORD_DM_SHORT" = "%1$@%2$@";

/* Coordinate format, long: {degrees}{minutes}{seconds} */
"COORD_DMS_LONG" = "%1$@, %2$@ e %3$@";

/* Coordinate format, medium: {degrees}{minutes}{seconds} */
"COORD_DMS_MEDIUM" = "%1$@%2$@%3$@";

/* Coordinate format, short: {degrees}{minutes}{seconds} */
"COORD_DMS_SHORT" = "%1$@%2$@%3$@";

/* East longitude format, long: {longitude} */
"COORD_E_LONG" = "%@ leste";

/* East longitude format, medium: {longitude} */
"COORD_E_MEDIUM" = "%@ leste";

/* East longitude format, short: {longitude} */
"COORD_E_SHORT" = "%@L";

/* Coordinate pair format, long: {latitude}, {longitude} */
"COORD_FMT_LONG" = "%1$@ por %2$@";

/* Coordinate pair format, medium: {latitude}, {longitude} */
"COORD_FMT_MEDIUM" = "%1$@, %2$@";

/* Coordinate pair format, short: {latitude}, {longitude} */
"COORD_FMT_SHORT" = "%1$@, %2$@";

/* Minutes format, long */
"COORD_MIN_LONG" = "%d minuto(s)";

/* Minutes format, medium: {minutes} */

/* Minutes format, short: {minutes} */
"COORD_MIN_SHORT" = "%d′";

/* North latitude format, long: {latitude} */
"COORD_N_LONG" = "%@ norte";

/* North latitude format, medium: {latitude} */
"COORD_N_MEDIUM" = "%@ norte";

/* North latitude format, short: {latitude} */
"COORD_N_SHORT" = "%@N";

/* South latitude format, long: {latitude} */
"COORD_S_LONG" = "%@ sur";

/* South latitude format, medium: {latitude} */
"COORD_S_MEDIUM" = "%@ sur";

/* South latitude format, short: {latitude} */
"COORD_S_SHORT" = "%@S";

/* Seconds format, long */
"COORD_SEC_LONG" = "%d segundo(s)";

/* Seconds format, medium: {seconds} */

/* Seconds format, short: {seconds} */
"COORD_SEC_SHORT" = "%d″";

/* West longitude format, long: {longitude} */
"COORD_W_LONG" = "%@ oeste";

/* West longitude format, medium: {longitude} */
"COORD_W_MEDIUM" = "%@ oeste";

/* West longitude format, short: {longitude} */
"COORD_W_SHORT" = "%@O";

/* OpenStreetMap full name attribution */
"OSM_FULL_NAME" = "OpenStreetMap";

/* OpenStreetMap short name attribution */

/* User-friendly error description; first placeholder is the source’s identifier */
"REMOVE_SRC_FAIL_IN_USE_FMT" = "A fonte “%@” non se pode eliminar mentres está en uso.";

/* User-friendly error description */
"REMOVE_SRC_FAIL_MISMATCH_FMT" = "A fonte non se pode eliminar porque o seu identificador, “%@”, pertence a unha fonte diferente neste estilo.";

54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions platform/darwin/resources/gl.lproj/Foundation.stringsdict
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>%d grao</string>
<string>%d graos</string>
<string>%d minuto</string>
<string>%d minutos</string>
<string>%d segundo</string>
<string>%d segundos</string>
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions platform/ios/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Mapbox welcomes participation and contributions from everyone. Please read [CONT
* Client-side text rendering of CJK ideographs is now enabled by default. ([#13988](
* Added an MGLMapView.prefetchesTiles property that you can disable if you don’t want to prefetch simplified tiles as a performance optimization. ([#14031](
* Fixed an issue that caused `MGL_FUNCTION` to ignore multiple formatting parameters when passed a `format` function as parameter. ([#14064](
* Added a Galician localization. ([#14095](

### User interaction

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Binary file not shown.
Empty file.

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