A C# Learning Exercise based on HSCTF 3 exercise Algo 100
- Ask you to input an integer n
- Return the first n numbers of the Fibonacci sequence
- Append each Fibonacci number to the set of the previous, such as: 1, 11, 112, 1123, ... to a total of n numbers
- Sum each of the appended numbers
- Return the last 9 numbers of this sequence (provided n > 9). For the sake of a more interesting result, consider picking a number greater than 9. (I suggest 50).
- Asks user for input of a positive integer
- Exception handling & catches number smaller than zero to re-prompt
- Non-primitive types: classes, arrays, strings
- Uses arithmetic
- Assignment operators, comparison operators, logical operators
- Explicit type conversion / casting
- Generates Fibonacci sequence
- do / while loops
- foreach
- if / else if / else
- BigInteger