Webservice using only akka + akka http to provide a RESTful CRUD interface for a JSON based session service.
- distributing load with actors and akka http
- easily extendable with other repository implementations (e.g. SQL/NoSQL Database for persistence) by implementing SessionRepo trait and injecting it in Main (thin cake pattern)
- JSON marshalling/unmarshalling with custom types
- easy validation using case classes and require
- holding state with actors
- run with "sbt run" (binds to localhost:8080)
- test with "sbt test"
- POST /v1/sessions - add a sessions
- GET /v1/sessions/ - get a sessions by id
- PUT /v1/sessions/ - update a sessions (specify any attribute combination, e.g. only userName)
- DELETE /v1/sessions/ - delete a sessions
"userName": "userName",
"email": "user@example.org",
"address": {
"street": "Musterstrasse 1",
"postalCode": 40000,
"city": "Musterstadt"
"gender": "male",
"basket": [
{"id": "prodId1", "name": "iPhone 7"},
{"id": "prodId2", "name": "iPhone 7 Case"}
- userName, basketItem.name must be at least 3 characters long
- postalCode must be between 1 and 99999
- gender must be male/female (case insensitive)
- no persistence in case of restart/crash (actors hold all state)