Loads the front page of Reddit and displays the posts in a list
- create-react-native-app
- redux
- react-navigation
- redux-persist
- redux-mock-store
- jest-fetch-mock
- loading the first page of reddit
- pull to refresh
- viewing a post
- Android back button and status bar height
yarn lint
to validate the code is properyarn test
to start jest in watch modeyarn start
to use the console menu for launching Android or iOS
Linting is done via yarn lint
and uses an
aggressive .eslintrc
This project uses jest-fetch-mock to load an example of Reddit's JSON and test both the success path and the failure path of loading and parsing of the Reddit API.
There are 4 total actions. The 3 related to refreshing are:
. These actions have
reducers for handling state changes.
There is also a VIEW_POST
action creator and corresponding
reducer for handling navigation events.
For basic "stack" style navigation, react-navigation is used. A Main Screen and the secondary View Post Screen reference components and accept parameters from the navigator. The Navigator is wrapped in a class and some additional global functionality, such as Android back button support, is added here.
The RedditList uses
and FlatList
to create a touchable list of
, which is refreshed on first load.
The RedditList
is comprised of an array of
RedditListItem which handles
the display of every post in the list.
When a liste item is touched, the a screen with
RedditViewPost is pushed and
a WebView
displays the URL.
The entry point is wrapped with a View
properly handle variable status bar heights on each platform.
This entry point also includes presistence via redux-persist's auto-rehydrate.