You can think of routing in a CLI the same way as routing in an HTTP server:
- Subcommands are URL paths
- Positional arguments are URL path parameters
- Flags are URL query parameters
- STDIN/STDOUT are the request/response bodies
CLIR is a Command Line Interface Router.
Made with ✨sparkles✨ by maragu.
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go get
package main
import (
func main() {
// Initialize dependencies
l := slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stderr, nil))
c := &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Second,
// Create a new router which is also something that can be run.
r := clir.NewRouter()
// Add logging middleware to all routes.
var v *bool
r.Use(middleware.Flags(func(fs *flag.FlagSet) {
v = fs.Bool("v", false, "verbose")
// Add a root route which calls printHello.
r.Route("", printHello())
// Add a named route which calls get.
r.Route("get", get(c))
// Branch with subcommands
r.Branch("post", func(r *clir.Router) {
r.Use(ping(c, v))
r.Route("stdin", postFromStdin(c))
r.Route("random", postFromRandom(c))
// Run the router with a default clir.Context.
// printHello to stdout.
func printHello() clir.RunnerFunc {
return func(ctx clir.Context) error {
return nil
// get
func get(c *http.Client) clir.RunnerFunc {
return func(ctx clir.Context) error {
res, err := c.Get("")
if err != nil {
ctx.Errorln("Didn't get it.")
return err
ctx.Println("Got it! Response:", res.Status)
return nil
// postFromStdin to
func postFromStdin(c *http.Client) clir.RunnerFunc {
return func(ctx clir.Context) error {
res, err := c.Post("", "text/plain", ctx.In)
if err != nil {
ctx.Errorln("Didn't post stdin.")
return err
ctx.Println("Posted stdin! Response:", res.Status)
return nil
// postFromRandom to
func postFromRandom(c *http.Client) clir.RunnerFunc {
return func(ctx clir.Context) error {
randomNumber := rand.Int()
ctx.Println("Random number is", randomNumber)
res, err := c.Post("", "text/plain", strings.NewReader(fmt.Sprint(randomNumber)))
if err != nil {
ctx.Errorln("Didn't post the random number.")
return err
ctx.Println("Posted the random number! Response:", res.Status)
return nil
// log the arguments to the given [slog.Logger].
func log(l *slog.Logger) clir.Middleware {
return func(next clir.Runner) clir.Runner {
return clir.RunnerFunc(func(ctx clir.Context) error {
l.InfoContext(ctx.Ctx, "Called", "args", ctx.Args)
// Remember to call next.Run, or the chain will stop here.
return next.Run(ctx)
// ping a URL to check the network.
func ping(c *http.Client, v *bool) clir.Middleware {
return func(next clir.Runner) clir.Runner {
return clir.RunnerFunc(func(ctx clir.Context) error {
if *v {
if _, err := c.Get(""); err != nil {
return err
return next.Run(ctx)