Make audio and video calls with WebRTC with just 3 lines of code.
We will divede de instalation in two parts. Server and Android
- Hosting with Root access and able to be installed NodeJS
- Unzip the downloaded files and copy and paste "addcall" to your hosting and unzip it.
- in your command or terminal type:
Then Start the AddCall Server by running of of there commands
$ npm start index.js
or you also can use
$ node index.js
Your terminal or command line interface will print or log AddCall Server is on port 8880
Then go to your browser and enter the url and port ex:
you must get messageAddCall Server is running!
If you want to change the port, just open file
and search forapp.set('port', process.env.PORT || 8880);
and chnage the port8880
to what you want. -
Thats all. remeber that you also can use our Server URL but, it may be offline or slow somtimes because we still working to update it.
- Android Studio or Other IDE the support Gradle
- Existing Android App project or Create new Android App project
dependencies {
implementation project(':addcall')
Step 1: Setup AddCall and Initialize using your server configuration and purchase code you get from envato:
import com.angopapo.addcall.AddCall;
public class App extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
// Initilize AddCall Server
AddCall.connect(new AddCall.Config.Builder(this).server("ServerURL").clientKey("PurchaseCode").build());
The custom Application class must be registered in AndroidManifest.xml
Step 2: Anywhere in your app or in your mainActivity you need to register the users details
AddCall.start(new AddCall.Config.SessionManager(this)
.currentUserFullName("John Doe")
Step 3: In your adapter or anywhere you want to call user.
AddCall.CallBuilder(new AddCall.Config.CallsManager(mActivity)
.isVideoCall(true) // True for Video Call and False for Voice Call
.receiverUserFullName("Jonh Doe 2")
For better performance use in Application class
Call detials: You may want to get call info after the call hangup or finish.
HostCall hostCall = new HostCall();
addCall.setCallHistoryResultListener(new AddCall.CallHistoryResultListener() {
public void onCallFinished(boolean isAcceptedCall, boolean isVideoCall, String duration, String callerId, String receiverId) {
AddCallHelper.LogCat("Call finished: " + " isAcceptedCall: " + isAcceptedCall + " isVideoCall: " + isVideoCall + " duration: " + duration + " called by UserId : " + callerId + " receiver by UserId: " + receiverId, AddCallHelper.success);
CallerID: AddCall uses and for any reason if you want to get Users CallerId.
AddCall addCall = new AddCall();
addCall.setCallerIdListener(new AddCall.CallerIdListener() {
public void onCallerIdChanged(String callerId) {
// Use it for your purposes.
hostCallHelper.LogCat("New callerId is: " + callerId, hostCallHelper.success);
Thanks for buying our code For help and any informations please conatct us via:
Email: WhatsApp: +33614778601