PizzaBot is designed to be a mostly fun and sometimes functional bot for Discord.
invite link: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=754851728981229649&permissions=67648&scope=bot
Bot Features:
- Will react to any mention of "pizza" with the pizza emoji.
- Takes a number of toppings and returns a random pizza with that amount. If no topping count is given, it will pick a random number of toppings up to 7.
- Chooses a random game from a list or from a provided list of games. You may also add/remove games from the preset list of games.
- Random first and last name generator. This was designed to be used as a name generator for DnD games.
- Will take a list of items and randomly choose one from the given items.
- Report hockey scores for today, yesterday, or tomorrow.
- Dice roller for DnD. (ex: 4d6, 4d6+2, 4d6 +2 kh, etc.)