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Releases: marccreal/AndalusiaBushTrip

Andalusia Bush Trip v0.2b-Alpha

17 Oct 18:22
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Added six new legs to the bush trip. There are again two versions available, that only differ by the aircraft model used. The first one is using the DA40 NG (included in the standard version of MSFS). If you prefer steam gauges, there is also a release with the DA40 TDI (Premium Deluxe version is required!). You can also change to any other plane by modifying the FLT file, check out the readme page for more information.

If you had a previous version of the bush trip installed and encounter problems when wanting to continue, please also refer to the readme page.

EDIT: I found some bugs in the initial v0.2 release, which are now fixed (route and waypoints are displayed correctly in the VFR map and continuing the trip should work now).

Andalusia Bush Trip v0.1-Alpha

11 Oct 11:13
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First alpha version of the Andalusia Bush Trip. The first four legs are flyable. There are two versions available, that only differ by the aircraft model used. The first one is using the DA40 NG (included in the standard version of MSFS). If you prefer steam gauges, there is also a release with the DA40 TDI (Premium Deluxe version is required!). You can also change to any other plane by modifying the FLT file, check out the readme page for more information.