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Goofy CPU

A custom 8 bit cpu I made in logisim evolution.

It is still very WIP but currently its ALIVEEEEEEEE!

I have also made a second, more silly version here!

And I have implemented the cpu in verilog here!

Instruction Set

The instructions can be found in the plan.txt file.


The cpus microcode is generated using a c# program I made.

It can be found in the Microcode gen folder.


You can now write assembly and compile it for the cpu. The stuff can be found in the asm folder. You can compile an asm file (like examples/inc_hlt.asm) using customasm.exe and then use the generated output and load that into ram.

NOTE: You need to include the common.asm file for customasm to work properly!

NOTE: If you are not on windows, you will need to get customasm and then it should hopefully work too.


An image of the full cpu

The cpu running a test program that adds 1 to the first register until it reaches 0x20

Thanks to