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750 lines (440 loc) · 24.6 KB


fcgiCodec is a library for the MiniScript programming language that encodes and decodes FastCGI protocol messages.

This is not a full-fledged FastCGI library that would manage the network, only encoding and decoding of the data is covered.

Your platform should have an implementation of a RawData class.


You only need this file: lib/


Run ./ to test in Mini Micro.

Run ./ to test in command-line.

Example of a FastCGI server

This example is a MiniScript program sitting behind Nginx, serving HTTP pages. Each new page displays a number which gets incremented on each request.


  • The MiniScript interpreter for this example is patched to support unix domain sockets via uds module.
  • Nginx configuration here is very minimal, apart from listen, it's just a single fastcgi_pass instruction: fastcgi_pass unix:/tmp/fcgiCodec-example.sock;.
  • When this program launches, it recreates the socket file and apparently Nginx can't write to it due to how permissions for new files work on my machine. So, what I personally do is I change the permission flags to a+w with my human hands. Hey, I'm a coder, not a devops.
  • For the sake of brevity the error checking is omitted and various special cases not handled.
See code...
import "fcgiCodec"

// Initialize network.

srv = uds.createServer("/tmp/fcgiCodec-example.sock")

print "Listening at /tmp/fcgiCodec-example.sock ..."

// Create a RecordDecoder to convert raw socket data into `Record` objects.

decoder = fcgiCodec.RecordDecoder.make

// Create a Bucket to collect the data for each individual request (it will also convert `Record` objects into appropriate `*Msg` objects).

bucket = fcgiCodec.Bucket.make

// Our state:
n = 0  // we'll increment it on each request

conn = null

while true
	print "Waiting for connection... ", ""
	if conn == null then conn = srv.accept(-1)  // wait for Nginx to make a connection to us
	print "OK"
	print "Waiting for data... ", ""
	data = conn.receive(-1, -1)  // wait for Nginx to send us request data
	if data == null then continue
	print "OK. Got " + data.len + " bytes."
	// Convert data into records via the decoder, and put those records into the bucket.
	decoder.pushData data
	records = decoder.getAllRecords
	print "Decoded " + records.len + " records."
	bucket.pushManyRecords records
	// Writing a callback for `Bucket.handleAll()`.
	closeP = false
	handler = function(request, arg)
		print "Handling request #" + request.requestId + "..."
		// Here we might expect to meet some special cases:
		//  - Management message
		//  - Unfinished request
		//  - Aborted request
		//  - Unknown role
		//  ...
		// For the sake of simplicity we'll only cover regular requests of a "responder" role.
		// Did we read the params yet?
		if request.params == null then return false  // false: we're not done with the request, keep it in the bucket
		// Touch state
		outer.n += 1
		// Compose a response
		rsp = "Content-Type: text/html" + char(13) + char(10) +
		      "" + char(13) + char(10) +
		      "<h1>hello fcgiCodec ({n})</h1> params: {params}"
		rsp = rsp.replace("{n}", outer.n)
		rsp = rsp.replace("{params}", str(request.params))
		// Return response to Nginx
		msg = fcgiCodec.StdoutMsg.make(request.requestId, rsp)
		for record in msg.toRecords
			conn.send record.toRawData  // return "CGI stdout"
		end for
		msg = fcgiCodec.EndRequestMsg.make(request.requestId, 0, fcgiCodec.protoStatus.FCGI_REQUEST_COMPLETE)
		for record in msg.toRecords
			conn.send record.toRawData  // tell Nginx that we're done
		end for
		if not request.keepConnectionP then outer.closeP = true  // did Nginx ask us to close the connection?
		return true  // true: we're done with this request, delete it from the bucket
	end function
	// Handle requests (if any).
	bucket.handleAll null, @handler
	if closeP then
		conn = null
		closeP = false
	end if
end while

in browser


FastCGI client and server exchange data which are packed in binary structures named "records".

This library provides two classes to manage such records in code: Record class and RecordDecoder class.

To create a record object, call Record.make() factory. Then, to get its raw bytes, call toRawData() method.

If you have a stream of records encoded in raw data and you want to get individual records out of it, create a decoder using RecordDecoder.make() factory, feed the data you have into it using its pushData() method and then collect the resulted Record objects using getRecord() or getAllRecords() methods.

These two classes provide a simple API, but it has a couple of disadvantages:

  • Records only know about their recordType, requestId and body, the type specific info is not parsed (you can easily craft a record with a nonsense body).
  • "Stream" handling -- breaking and glueing together the payload of successive stream record types -- has to be done manually.

To overcome these problems use *Msg classes ("messages"). They're like Record class but with type specific properties for each record type that you can read or modify. Also, the stream records have their bodies glued together into a single data chunk under one message object. To create a message, call make() factory of a particular message class. See below what properties each of the *Msg classes has.

There's no special method to generate the RawData of a message, instead use toRecords() method first and then call toRawData() of each record. There's also no method to parse messages from a RawData stream (I didn't need it, so I didn't code it) -- however, if you have records and want to convert them into messages, you can do it by using a Bucket object.

The Bucket class helps with the multiplexed/interleaved workflow when the client may send FastCGI records for several requests simultaneously. You add records to a Bucket using its pushRecord() method and then you handle requests using handleOne() or handleAll() methods.

The request objects accumulated by a Bucket are not instances of some class but just adhoc maps with messages as the values, plus some properties. (Note that if your code is running on the client side and is consuming data from a server, then what you get is not technically requests but responses, but Bucket doesn't care.)

NameValuePairs class is handy with record types that encode their body in a "name-value pairs" format (<NAME_LENGTH> <VALUE_LENGTH> <NAME> <VALUE> ... etc). Most of the times, NameValuePairs objects don't need to be created directly but instead are exposed through *Msg or request objects. However, you also can create one yourself by calling NameValuePairs.make() factory. Also, no one will stop you from using NameValuePairs on their own outside FastCGI context just for serialization of flat name-value maps.

To manage name-value pairs use hasName(), getValue(), setValue() and deleteValue() methods. If you want to parse name-value pairs from RawData chunks, use the pushData() method, and to get the raw bytes, call toRawData() method.

One more note about NameValuePairs class: whatever data you put into it (via setValue() or pushData()), both the keys and the values will always be converted to strings.

Also, if a method of some class accepts RawData as a parameter, it also will happily accept a string and convert to RawData behind the scenes.

Finally, if you read the code, you'll find a RawDataCollection class which is used for gluing and slicing RawData chunks. Very handy, you probably don't need to manipulate it directly.

Record class

Record class represents a FastCGI record.

Property / method Description
recordType record type from fcgiCodec.recordType enum
requestId request ID (0 for management types)
make() (class method) returns a new Record object
body() returns RawData of the record body
toRawData() returns RawData of the entire record (head + body)

Constants in fcgiCodec.recordType enum (same numbers as in the specification):

recordType.FCGI_END_REQUEST = 3
recordType.FCGI_PARAMS = 4
recordType.FCGI_STDIN = 5
recordType.FCGI_STDOUT = 6
recordType.FCGI_STDERR = 7
recordType.FCGI_DATA = 8
recordType.FCGI_GET_VALUES = 9
recordType.FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE = 11


Record.make(recordType, requestId = 0, body) -> Record

(Class method) Returns a new Record object.

The body argument can be a RawData object or a string.

This method doesn't parse or check the body. To ensure correctness of type specific properties use *Msg classes.


record.body() -> RawData

Returns RawData of the record body.


record.toRawData() -> RawData

Returns RawData of the entire record (head + body).

RecordDecoder class

RecordDecoder class can be used to read a raw data stream and extract Record objects from it.

Property / method Description
make() (class method) returns a new RecordDecoder object
pushData() appends a raw data chunk to the inner data stream
getRecord() take one record from the stream (if available)
getAllRecords() take all available records from the stream


RecordDecoder.make() -> RecordDecoder

(Class method) Returns a new RecordDecoder object.


recordDecoder.pushData(r, onError = null) -> null | onError result

Appends a raw data chunk to the inner data stream.

The parsing starts immediately and decodes as many records as available.

When there's not enough data for a whole record, the parsing stops till the next call to pushData() brings more input.

If the parsing encounters errors, the default action is qa.abort() (it means, it crashes the program).

If onError() callback is supplied, it gets called instead of qa.abort() (it means, it prevents the crash).

The onError() callback should have at least these parameters: onError(errCode, arg1).

The following error conditions are reported:

Error code (errCode) Description
"UNKNOWN_PROTO" the protocol byte (0) has an unknown value, arg1 holding the value
"UNKNOWN_RECORD_TYPE" the record type byte (1) has an unknown value, arg1 holding the value

The return value of the onError() callback becomes the return value of pushData().

After the error, the RecordDecoder object becomes unusable, because it can't move past the erroneous bytes.

If no errors are encountered or if onError() returns null, the result of pushData() is null.


recordDecoder.getRecord() -> Record | null

Take one record from the stream (if available).


recordDecoder.getAllRecords() -> list of Record objects

Take all available records from the stream.

*Msg classes

Message classes handle type related properties of records, join stream records into a single object and decode name-value pairs of certain record types.

Each record type has a corresponding message class (they all have predictable names).

Record type Class
recordType.FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST BeginRequestMsg
recordType.FCGI_ABORT_REQUEST AbortRequestMsg
recordType.FCGI_END_REQUEST EndRequestMsg
recordType.FCGI_PARAMS ParamsMsg
recordType.FCGI_STDIN StdinMsg
recordType.FCGI_STDOUT StdoutMsg
recordType.FCGI_STDERR StderrMsg
recordType.FCGI_DATA DataMsg
recordType.FCGI_GET_VALUES GetValuesMsg
recordType.FCGI_GET_VALUES_RESULT GetValuesResultMsg
recordType.FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE UnknownTypeMsg

The common API of all *Msg classes:

Property / method Description
recordType record type from fcgiCodec.recordType enum
requestId request ID (0 for management types)
make() (class method) returns a new message object (the signature of this method will be different for each class)
toRecords() returns a list of records that form the message

Other properties are defined by the parameters to make().


BeginRequestMsg.make(requestId, role, keepConnectionP) -> BeginRequestMsg

(Class method) Returns a new BeginRequestMsg object and sets its properties.

Parameter / property Description
requestId request ID
role FastCGI role from fcgiCodec.role enum
keepConnectionP if true, the server should close a network connection after serving the request

Constants in fcgiCodec.role enum (same numbers as in the specification):

role.FCGI_FILTER = 3


AbortRequestMsg.make(requestId) -> AbortRequestMsg

(Class method) Returns a new AbortRequestMsg object and sets its properties.

Parameter / property Description
requestId request ID


EndRequestMsg.make(requestId, appStatus, protoStatus) -> EndRequestMsg

(Class method) Returns a new EndRequestMsg object and sets its properties.

Parameter / property Description
requestId request ID
appStatus CGI program exit status
protoStatus protocol status from fcgiCodec.protoStatus enum

Constants in fcgiCodec.protoStatus enum (same numbers as in the specification):

protoStatus.FCGI_CANT_MPX_CONN = 1
protoStatus.FCGI_OVERLOADED = 2
protoStatus.FCGI_UNKNOWN_ROLE = 3


ParamsMsg.make(requestId, paramsMap) -> ParamsMsg

(Class method) Returns a new ParamsMsg object and sets its properties.

Parameter / property Description
requestId request ID
paramsMap map of CGI params

StdinMsg | StdoutMsg | StderrMsg | DataMsg .make()

StdinMsg.make(requestId, data) -> StdinMsg

StdoutMsg.make(requestId, data) -> StdoutMsg

StderrMsg.make(requestId, data) -> StderrMsg

DataMsg.make(requestId, data) -> DataMsg

(Class method) Returns a new *Msg object and sets its properties.

Parameter / property Description
requestId request ID
data raw data body


GetValuesMsg.make(names) -> GetValuesMsg

(Class method) Returns a new GetValuesMsg object and sets its properties (requestId = 0).

Parameter / property Description
names list of requested variable names


GetValuesResultMsg.make(valuesMap) -> GetValuesResultMsg

(Class method) Returns a new GetValuesResultMsg object and sets its properties (requestId = 0).

Parameter / property Description
valuesMap map of requested variables


UnknownTypeMsg.make(unknownType) -> UnknownTypeMsg

(Class method) Returns a new UnknownTypeMsg object and sets its properties (requestId = 0).

Parameter / property Description
unknownType unknown type


msg.toRecords(chunkLength = null) -> list of Record objects

Returns a list of records that form the message.

The list will contain one record for non-stream record types, and two or more records for stream record types (the last of such records will always have an empty body).

An optional chunkLength parameter only makes sense for stream types and ignored for other types.

If given, it denotes a maximal length of each individual record body. If null, a whole body is encoded as a single record, followed by an empty-body record.

Bucket class

Bucket can be used to collect Record objects and to build "request" objects -- adhoc collections of messages.

The Bucket's workflow is different from the decoder's in that you don't take a request from a bucket, but handle it in place.

The reason for this is that the server is allowed to start responding to a request before all messages are received.

Property / method Description
make() (class method) returns a new bucket object
nRequests() returns number of requests in a bucket
requestIds() returns a list of request IDs
pushRecord() appends a Record object to the inner state
pushManyRecords() appends a list of Record objects to the inner state
handleOne() handles a request object
handleAll() handles all request objects
removeRequest() deletes a request object from a bucket and returns it


Bucket.make() -> Bucket

(Class method) Returns a new Bucket object.


bucket.nRequests() -> number

Returns number of requests in a bucket.


bucket.requestIds() -> list of request IDs

Returns a list of request IDs.


bucket.pushRecord(record, onError = null) -> null | onError result

Appends a Record object to the inner state.

The record is checked for its type and a corresponding message object is created and saved inside a bucket.

Unfinished messages are saved separately till the next call to pushRecord() brings more records.

If the conversion to a message encounters errors, the default action is qa.abort() (it means, it crashes the program).

If onError() callback is supplied, it gets called instead of qa.abort() (it means, it prevents the crash).

The onError() callback should have at least these parameters: onError(errCode, arg1, arg2).

The following error conditions are reported:

Error code (errCode) Description
"DIRTY_BUCKET" a message with the same record type (arg1) and request ID (arg2) already exists in the bucket
"BODY_TOO_SHORT" not enough bytes in a record body to parse its properties, need arg1 bytes, got arg2 bytes
"UNKNOWN_ROLE" the role bytes (0-1) of a FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST record body have an unknown value, arg1 holding the value
"UNKNOWN_PROTO_STATUS" the protocol status byte (4) of a FCGI_END_REQUEST record body has an unknown value, arg1 holding the value
"TOO_MANY_MSGS" the bucket collected too many unfinished stream messages
"TOO_MANY_RECORDS" the bucket collected too many records inside one unfinished stream message of type arg1 for a request ID arg2

After an error is handled by onError(), the erroneous record is rejected and the bucket can continue to consume more records. However, some of these conditions may require actions:

  • If "DIRTY_BUCKET" happened because you forgot to delete a request, delete it using removeRequest().
  • "TOO_MANY_MSGS" can be bypassed by increasing the bucket.maxMsgs constant.
  • "TOO_MANY_RECORDS" can be bypassed by increasing the bucket.maxNRecordsPerMsg constant.

The return value of the onError() callback becomes the return value of pushRecord().

If no errors are encountered or if onError() returns null, the result of pushRecord() is null.


bucket.pushManyRecords(records, onError = null) -> list of nulls or onError results

Appends a list of Record objects to the inner state.

Basically, invokes pushRecord() in a loop for each record.


bucket.handleOne(requestId, arg, cb) -> null

Handles a request object with a request ID requestId.

No-op if request with such ID doesn't exists.

If the requests exists, the callback cb() is invoked with the following arguments: cb(request, arg), where request is a map containing all collected messages for the request ID.

In addition to recordType => message pairs, several more properties are set to the request map which just proxy the properties of underlying messages.

Properties of a request map:

Property / method Description
requestId request ID
<record type> <message object>
... ...
role (if BeginRequestMsg is present) FastCGI role
keepConnectionP (if BeginRequestMsg is present) if true, keep connection open after responding to the request
isAborted true if AbortRequestMsg is present
appStatus (if EndRequestMsg is present) CGI exit code
protoStatus (if EndRequestMsg is present) a constant from fcgiCodec.protoStatus
params (if ParamsMsg is present) map of CGI params
stdin (if StdinMsg is present) CGI stdin as a RawData
stdinString (if StdinMsg is present) CGI stdin as a string
stdout (if StdoutMsg is present) CGI stdout as a RawData
stdoutString (if StdoutMsg is present) CGI stdout as a string
stderr (if StderrMsg is present) CGI stderr as a RawData
stderrString (if StderrMsg is present) CGI stderr as a string
data (if DataMsg is present) data for FCGI_FILTER role as a RawData
dataString (if DataMsg is present) data for FCGI_FILTER role as a string
names (if GetValuesMsg is present) list of names of requested variables
result (if GetValuesResultMsg is present) map of requested variables
unknownType (if UnknownTypeMsg is present) unknown record type

If some message is not present, the value of its additional property is null.

The callback should return true, if it's done with the request. The request will be deleted from the bucket.

Otherwise, the request will be kept in a bucket and the handleOne() method will attempt to handle it again on its next invokation. (You might want to do it if you expect more messages for the same request ID to arrive in the future).


bucket.handleAll(arg, cb) -> null

Handles all request objects.

Basically, invokes handleOne() in a loop for each request.


bucket.removeRequest(requestId) -> request map

Deletes a request object from a bucket and returns it.


NameValuePairs class decodes name-value pairs from FCGI_GET_VALUES, FCGI_GET_VALUES_RESULT and FCGI_PARAMS record types.

See the specification for the format.

The names and values are stored as MiniScript strings.

Property / method Description
map map of name-value pairs
make() (class method) returns a new NameValuePairs object
pushData() appends a raw data chunk to an internal data collection
names() returns all names
getValue() returns a value by name
setValue() sets a value by name
deleteValue() deletes a value by name
hasName() true if a name-value pair exists
toRawData() returns encoded raw data


NameValuePairs.make(rr = null) -> NameValuePairs

(Class method) Returns a new NameValuePairs object.

If an optional list of data chunks is given, it will be parsed for the name-values.


nameValuePairs.pushData(r) -> null

Appends a raw data chunk to an internal data collection.

The parsing starts immediately and decodes as many name-value pairs as available.

When there's not enough data for a whole pair, the parsing stops till the next call to pushData() brings more input.


nameValuePairs.names() -> list of names

Returns all names.


nameValuePairs.getValue(name, default = null) -> value | default

Returns a value by name.

If the pair doesn't exist, the default is returned.


nameValuePairs.setValue(name, value) -> null

Sets a value by name.


nameValuePairs.deleteValue(name) -> null

Deletes a value by name.


nameValuePairs.hasName(name) -> true | false

Returns true if a name-value pair exists.


nameValuePairs.toRawData() -> RawData

Returns encoded raw data.

Social art

Minnie the chinchilla by Joe Strout.

Helmet "FAST" by these guys.