Boardsesh is an app for controlling a "standardized interactive climbing training boards" (SICTBs) and intends to add missing functionality to boards that utilize Aurora Climbing's software, such as Kilter, Tension, and Decoy.
Try it out here
This app was originally started as a fork of We also use for creating the database. Many thanks to @lemeryfertitta for making this project possible!!
Unfortunately mobile safari doesn't support web bluetooth. So to use this website on your phone you could install a ios browser that does have web ble support, for example:
Bluefy is what I tested boardsesh in on my iphone and it worked like expected.
Basic board use works, and the app already has queue controls, open to feedback and contributions! Using the share button in the top right corner, users can connect to each other and control the board and queue together. Similar to Spotify Jams, no more "What climb was that?", "what climb was the last one?", "Mind if I change it?", questions during a sesh
- Faster beta video uploads. Current process for beta videos is manual, and as a result new beta videos are almost never added. We'll implement our own Instagram integration to get beta videos faster.
Before we can start developing, we need to setup a database. Start the docker container to startup the development database:
cd db/ && docker-compose up
This starts up a docker container that uses Boardlib to download the databases and then loads them into postgres with an db update script and pgloader. When the postgres docker container is up,
you can connect to the database on localhost:54320 using default:password
as the login details.
Create the following .env.development.local
In root of the repo, npm install the dependencies
npm install
Now we can run the development server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.