Repository of scripts to generate the synthetic population for the district of Den Haag Zuid-West.
The code makes use of the library GenSynthPop by Tabea Sonnenschein.
Scripts in /format-CBS-datasets are used to convert the input CBS demographic information into more convenient data frames.
generate_synthetic_population.R**:** it generates a synthetic population of individuals with demographic attributes. In detail:
gender: male, female
age: integer value
migration background: Dutch, Western and non-Western
current education level: low/middle/high
education attainment: low/middle/high Note: Dutch education level based on CBS classification
generate_households.R**:** it groups agents of a synthetic population into households.
Project structure
Root folder: script to generate a synthetic population and group the latter into households.
/config: configuration files. config. R specifies the municipality, year and filtering of the DHZW area.
/data: all the data. Subdivided in /raw and /processed. Again, datasets are divided by municipality and year. The configuration file allows all the script to automatically refer to the correct data folders.
/src: helper functions. In addition, the subfolder /format-CBS-datasets contains a script to convert the raw dataset into the processed dataset read-to-use.