A simple grpc todo list on live. your todo list as CLI.
create, list, complete, uncomplete, your tasks in your terminal and more...
build project to generate the proto files as c# classes
dotnet build
up all docker containers
docker compose up -d
run the server to accept the connections
cd GrpcTodo.Server
dotnet run -lp https
"protoc": {
"options": ["--proto_path=GrpcTodo.SharedKernel/Protos"]
- run script test-server.win.ps1 for windows (tested)
- run script test-server.unix for unix (not tested)
in any of this scripts if you want to run specific class tests.
just add the class test name after the script name
Now the CLI creates some default aliases
alias to:account logout
alias to:account login
alias to:account create
you can add your own aliases on config file manually
to create a new aliase go to C:\Users\<your_user>\.gl\configs
add a new alias to update your token for example:
@alias ut=account token update
your config file should be like:
now in your CLI you have this alias enabled, use:
gl ut
this alias will execute the account token update
to see all available commands type:
gl --help
- account
- create
create new account
- login
make login
- logout
make logout. signout from your account
- token
- update
hard update your auth token. generate a new one
- update
- create
- alias
- create
create new alias
- remove
remove an existing alias
- list
list all available aliases
- create
- task
- create
create a new task
- complete
complete a task
- uncomplete
uncomplete a task
- list
list all tasks
- delete
delete a task
- create
if a command is green, this are implemented. if is red, are not
cd ./GrpcTodo.CLI
dotnet run <command>