#DeMon ##Open-source website defacement monitoring tool
This tool crawls through a user specified set of domains, starting from a user specified URL, following all the unrestricted links it founds. For each page it crawls, DeMon searches in a premade wordlist for malicious words that might indicate a defacement.
In the future it is intended to search also for defacement JS and images, according to a database. Also, automatic emails to admins are intended to be implemented soon.
This tool was developed using Python3.5.2 and Scrapy. It is strongly advised to create a virtualenvironment before using it.
So far this tool is being developed and should not be trusted in production.
Please feel free to add pull requests.
###How to use First, run some integrity tests:
$python3 tests.py
test_parse (__main__.DemonSpiderTest)
Testing if the spider parsing is done correctly over a fake offline response ... ok
Ran 1 test in 0.003s
Now set your target URL:
/deface_monitor/monitor/demon/spiders$ vim demon
class DemonSpider(CrawlSpider):
name = "NAME_HERE"
allowed_domains = ["DOMAINS_HERE"]
start_urls = [
Finally, run, baby, run:
$python3 run.py
- Phase 1
- Fix urls.txt to store visited links
- Finish wordlist detection code
- Pass URL, domain and name as parameters
- Implement Scrapy's e-mail functionalities
- Phase 2
- Monitorate images and codes (JS)
###Disclaimer This tool should not be used without authorization or against military/governmental websites.