An API client for docker written in Python
To instantiate a Client
class that will allow you to communicate with
a Docker daemon, simply do:
c = docker.Client(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock',
refers to the protocol+hostname+port where the docker server
is hosted. version
is the version of the API the client will use and
specifies the HTTP request timeout, in seconds., tag=None, quiet=False, fileobj=None, nocache=False,
rm=False, stream=False)
Similar to the docker build
command. Either path
or fileobj
to be set. path
can be a local path (to a directory containing a
Dockerfile) or a remote URL. fileobj
must be a readable file-like
object to a Dockerfile.
c.commit(container, repository=None, tag=None, message=None, author=None,
Identical to the docker commit
c.containers(quiet=False, all=False, trunc=True, latest=False, since=None,
before=None, limit=-1)
Identical to the docker ps
c.copy(container, resource)
Identical to the docker cp
c.create_container(image, command=None, hostname=None, user=None,
detach=False, stdin_open=False, tty=False, mem_limit=0,
ports=None, environment=None, dns=None, volumes=None,
volumes_from=None, name=None)
Creates a container that can then be start
ed. Parameters are similar
to those for the docker run
command except it doesn't support the
attach options (-a
). See "Port bindings" and "Using volumes" below for
more information on how to create port bindings and volume mappings.
Identical to the docker diff
Identical to the docker export
Identical to the docker history
c.images(name=None, quiet=False, all=False, viz=False)
Identical to the docker images
c.import_image(src, data=None, repository=None, tag=None)
Identical to the docker import
command. If src
is a string or
unicode string, it will be treated as a URL to fetch the image from. To
import an image from the local machine, src
needs to be a file-like
object or bytes collection. To import from a tarball use your absolute
path to your tarball. To load arbitrary data as tarball use whatever
you want as src and your tarball content in data.
Identical to the docker info
c.insert(image, url, path)
Identical to the docker insert
Identical to the docker inspect
command, but only for containers.
Identical to the docker inspect
command, but only for images.
c.kill(container, signal=None)
Kill a container. Similar to the docker kill
c.login(username, password=None, email=None, registry=None)
Identical to the docker login
command (but non-interactive, obviously).
c.logs(container, stdout=True, stderr=True, stream=False)
Identical to the docker logs
command. The stream
parameter makes the
function return a blocking generator you can iterate over to
retrieve log output as it happens.
c.port(container, private_port)
Identical to the docker port
c.pull(repository, tag=None, stream=False)
Identical to the docker pull
c.push(repository, stream=False)
Identical to the docker push
c.remove_container(container, v=False, link=False)
Remove a container. Similar to the `docker rm` command.
Remove an image. Similar to the `docker rmi` command.
c.restart(container, timeout=10)
Restart a container. Similar to the `docker restart` command.
Identical to the `docker search` command.
c.start(container, binds=None, port_bindings=None, lxc_conf=None,
publish_all_ports=False, links=None, privileged=False)
Similar to the `docker start` command, but doesn't support attach
options. Use `docker logs` to recover `stdout`/`stderr`.
`binds` allows to bind a directory in the host to the container. See
"Using volumes" below for more information. `port_bindings` exposes
container ports to the host. See "Port bindings" below for more
information. `lxc_conf` allows to pass LXC configuration options using a
dictionary. `privileged` starts the container in privileged mode.
c.stop(container, timeout=10)
Stops a container. Similar to the `docker stop` command.
c.tag(image, repository, tag=None, force=False)
Identical to the `docker tag` command.
Identical to the `docker top` command.
Identical to the `docker version` command.
Wait for a container and return its exit code. Similar to the `docker
wait` command.
Port bindings
Port bindings is done in two parts. Firstly, by providing a list of ports to
open inside the container in the `Client.create_container` method.
c.create_container('busybox', 'ls', ports=[1111, 2222])
If you wish to use UDP instead of TCP (default), you can declare it like such:
c.create_container('busybox', 'ls', ports=[(1111, 'udp'), 2222])
Bindings are then declared in the `Client.start` method.
c.start(container_id, port_bindings={1111: 4567, 2222: None})
You can limit the host address on which the port will be exposed like such:
c.start(container_id, port_bindings={1111: ('', 4567)})
Or without host port assignment:
c.start(container_id, port_bindings={1111: ('',)})
Using volumes
Similarly, volume declaration is done in two parts. First, you have to provide
a list of mountpoints to the `Client.create_container` method.
c.create_container('busybox', 'ls', volumes=['/mnt/vol1', '/mnt/vol2'])
Volume mappings are then declared inside the `Client.start` method like this:
c.start(container_id, binds={
'/mnt/vol2': '/home/user1/',
'/mnt/vol1': '/var/www'