reactjs-popup Public
Forked from yjose/reactjs-popupReact Popup Component - Modals,Tooltips and Menus — All in one
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJul 3, 2021 -
jsvat Public
Forked from se-panfilov/jsvatCheck the validity of the format of an EU VAT number
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 21, 2021 -
react-intl Public
Forked from formatjs/formatjsInternationalize React apps. This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations.
TypeScript Other UpdatedAug 29, 2019 -
elastic-beanstalk-samples Public
Forked from awsdocs/elastic-beanstalk-samplesThis repository contains code and configuration samples (e.g. .ebextensions) for AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 1, 2018 -
consolidate.js Public
Forked from tj/consolidate.jsTemplate engine consolidation library for node.js
JavaScript UpdatedMay 14, 2018 -
HeroIn Public
Forked from Schibsted-Tech-Polska/HeroInHEROku INfrastructure as code
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 26, 2016 -
react-linkify Public
Forked from tasti/react-linkifyReact component to parse links (urls, emails, etc.) in text into clickable links
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 17, 2016 -
alfred-tv-calendar Public
Alfred workflow displaying current TV shows
got-series-books Public
Simple graph showing how each Game of Thrones episode is related to A Song of Ice and Fire chapters.
JavaScript UpdatedJun 18, 2015 -
visual-tests Public
Visual regressive tests concept using Browserstack API for screenshots.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 15, 2015 -
arkadia-web-client Public
Fun project to communicate between NodeJS and Telnet server
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 7, 2015 -
console-time Public
Small utility to search and play TV show episodes using magnet links provided by RSS.