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marekyggdrasil edited this page Nov 10, 2015 · 3 revisions


If you would like to contribute to synersimple project, here are list if things that should be improved or fixed.

  • SSL encryption

This will allow to use synersimple anywhere without worrying if someone will sniff out content of clipboard or password we are typing.

  • make it possible to use all keyboard keys

This requires contributing to RobotJS library. New keys are being added continuously through development process, it takes time as they are being tested cross platform before merge.

  • auto-detect input devices

Precising in conf.json which input devices represent mouse and keyboard is time consuming, may be not so easy to do for inexperienced users and most important, those input events may be attributed dynamically, so it is possible that conf.json will have to be changed every time user reboots his computer.

Simple solution could be reading all input deviced using input-event library, just like it is done now, requesting user to move the device he intends to use as mouse and attributing this input event which will react with a callback, same to keyboard. Another possible solution could be to listen to all devices anyway.

  • add tutorial on building udev rules for keyboard and mouse

If /dev/event* device is changes after each reboot, conf.json file will need to be changed before each launch. A proper rule in /etc/udev/rules.d can not only ensure same device name, but also change owner, so that server could be ran without root privileges.

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