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Visualizes data on a cubic lattice (built specifically to visualize the VTK files created by Morpheus).


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Visualizing 3D grid data


Generic instructions

  1. Install dependencies
  2. Install using cmake:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../

Note, on OSX you may need to use clang++ instead of gcc (see issue #3).

Ubuntu 16.04

  1. Install dependencies: sudo apt-get install cmake git libvtk6-dev libboost-filesystem1.58-dev libboost-iostreams1.58-dev libproj-dev
  2. Clone repository: git clone
  3. Make build directory in the source folder, i.e.: cd VisGrid3D && mkdir build
  4. From the build directory, configure build with cmake, i.e.: cd build && cmake ../
  5. Build VisGrid3d: build


After cloning VisGrid3D, the Docker container can be build with the local dockerfile: docker build -t visgrid3d . . And then VisGrid3D can be used from inside the containter:

xhost +local:root
docker run -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw -v $PWD:/data/ visgrid3d ...

Besides running the VisGrid3D in the Docker container, this does the following:

  • Mount a local drive in the container to read from and write to the local filesystem.
  • Share the local X11 socket with the container so the VTK window works (only tested on Linux).

Alternatively, the image from DockerHub may be used:

xhost +local:root
docker run -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw -v $PWD:/data/ margrietpalm/visgrid3d ...

Generating VTK files in Morpheus

Morpheus can generate VTK files with the VtkPlotter analysis plugin. Set up this plugin to write ascii files and to store the cell id and cell type:

<VtkPlotter mode="ascii" time-step="10">
	<Channel symbol-ref=""/>
	<Channel symbol-ref="cell.type"/>

Note that VTK files can become quite large. So keep the number of output files low during testing, or remove them.


To animate the results you must at least specify the folder containing the vtk files (-i) and the cell types to animate (-t). All other command line arguments are optimal and use defaults if not specified. When an argument has multiple values, they must be presented in a comma-separated list.


  • Plot cell types 0 and 2 for results in morpheus/3d_migration_138/:

VisGrid3D -i morpheus/3d_migration_138/ -t 0,2

  • Repeat above off screen and save results:

VisGrid3D -i morpheus/3d_migration_138/ -t 0,2 -s -q

  • Colors and opacity can be defined per cell type:

VisGrid3D -i morpheus/3d_migration_138/ -t 0,2 -c red,grey -a 1,0.1

  • Static (frozen) cell types can be defined such that they are only rendered once:

VisGrid3D -i morpheus/3d_migration_138/ -t 0,2 -c red,grey -a 1,0.1 --static 2

  • Save snapshots:

VisGrid3D -i morpheus/3d_migration_138/ -t 0,2 -c red,grey -a 1,0.1 --static 2 -s

  • Map a field, named 'act' on the cell (please note that I changed the order of amoeba and medium in Protrusion_3D example):

VisGrid3D -i ~/morpheus/Example-Protrusion_616/ -t 1 --campos 500,500,400 --camfocus 100,100,100 --steps 5 -f act --fmin 0 --fmax 150


VisGrid3D -h
 - example command line options
  ./VisGrid3D [OPTION...]

  -h, --help            Print help
  -i, --simdir arg      Folder containing vtk files
  -t, --types arg       Comma-separated list of cell types to visualize
  -f, --fields arg      Comma-separated list of fields (stored in the vtk)
                        used to color the cells (use none to skip a cell type)
  -c, --colors arg      Comma-separated list of colors associated to the cell
  -a, --alpha arg       Comma-separated list of alpha-values associated to
                        the cell types
      --static arg      Comma-separated list of static cell types
      --steps arg       Comma-separated list of time steps to visualize
  -W, --width arg       visualization width (default: 800)
  -H, --height arg      visualization height (default: 800)
      --bgcolor arg     background color (default: black)
      --bboxcolor arg   bounding box color (default: white)
      --campos arg      camera position
      --camfocus arg    camera focus
      --campitch arg    camera pitch
      --camroll arg     camera roll
      --camazimuth arg  camera aximuth
      --fps arg         frame rate
  -o, --outdir arg      Folder to write images to
  -s, --save            Save images
      --prefix arg      Prefix for image names
  -m, --colormap arg    File with colormap to be used with the fields
      --fmax arg        Comma-seperated list with max value for each field
      --fmin arg        Comma-seperated list with min value for each field
      --xmin arg        color boundary at xmin
      --xmax arg        color boundary at xmax
      --ymin arg        color boundary at ymin
      --ymax arg        color boundary at ymax
      --zmin arg        color boundary at zmin
      --zmax arg        color boundary at zmax
      --showcolors      show available colors
  -l, --loop            Loop visualization
  -q, --quiet           Hide visualization windows
      --clean           Remove existing content of outdir
  -z, --gzip            Use gzipped vtk files


  • We thank the developers of the cxxopts library which we used for parsing command line arguments.
  • We thank the developers of matplotlib from which we extracted the colortable that maps color names to rgb values (colors.csv).


Visualizes data on a cubic lattice (built specifically to visualize the VTK files created by Morpheus).







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