Code to create automatically generated dialogs
You need a few libraries to run this.
Given that you have a conda environment you can install as follows:
conda install numpy
conda install scipy
conda install scikit-learn
conda install gensim
conda install -c anaconda nltk
You also need a directory called cornell_movie-dialogs_corpus that you need to position in the same directory as the code. This corpus can be found here:
You also need a pre-trained word2vec space (the path to the space needs to be changed in the function 'get_space()' in '' ) The name of the space tested so far is 'GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz' and it can be found at:
First, run: python
This will generate text files for three different minds: A-san, B-san and the audience.
Then, run: python
This will generate the dialogs. The first time this is run, it will take a very long time, since models are generated. Next time, these models will be used, so it will be faster. (If you want to re-generate the models, remove the output from the models in the folder 'data_output', i.e., the files starting with 'nbrs_model')