Easily deploy static sites using Wordpress and Netlify
Build Quickly and easily send webhooks to build your Netlify
Status Check the status of your latest build to see if it was successful without even leaving Wordpress
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit Plugins > Add New
- Search for "Deploy Webhook Button"
- Install plugin
- Activate the plugin
- Click on the new menu item "Deploy Netlify Webhook" and enter your site details/keys
- Enter enter your site_id, webhook POST address, Netlify API Key, and User-Agent
- Read the documentation to get started
- Visit Netlify > Site-Name > Settings > Build & Deploy
- Create A Build Hook (or use an existing hook)
- Copy The Build Hook URL into the
Webhook Build URL
- Visit Netlify > Site-Name > Settings
- Copy APP_ID and paste into the
Netlify site_id
- Visit Netlify > User Settings > Applications > Personal Access Tokens
- Create A Personal Access Token (or use an existing one)
- Copy The token and paste into the
Netlify API Key
- Visit Netlify > Site-Name > Settings
- Copy The Site Name and paste into the
User-Agent Site Value
field - Add The site url in brackets to the
User-Agent Site Value
field - Your field should look similar to this
SiteNameNoSpaces (site-name-url.com)
A deploy button and the status badge of the last build is added to the admin bar. By default this will only be displayed to users that can manage_options
You may allow other user roles with these two filters:
add_filter('netlify_status_capability', function() {
return 'edit_pages';
add_filter('netlify_deploy_capability', function() {
return 'edit_pages';
Main Plugin page
- Fixed UI
- Seperate Developer Settings and User Build Screen
- Initial Release
View full changelog: here