This repository contains all necessary components to track and collect validators' data and evaluate them for the purposes of Marinade's stake distribution.
- Rust API to expose all validators' data
- Rust CLI tool to collect a snapshot from the Solana chain
- Rust CLI tool to store previously collected data to DB
- DB migration scripts
- A set of scoring and utility scripts
Follow the steps described for each report on the staking reports page
- R installed
- R packages installed (run from the cloned repository):
Inside the cloned repository run:
./scripts/scoring-fetch-inputs.bash # To fetch the latest data from API
./scripts/scoring-run.bash # To generate scores
./scripts/scoring-report.bash "- development version" # To generate report.html
- Rust - for development of data collection, storing and serving
- PostgreSQL - for the storage
- R - for the scoring calculations
Create a .env
file after cloning the repository
cargo build
Automated pipelines that take care of running the scoring and storing the reports are located in the Delegation Strategy - Pipeline repository.
title Delegation Strategy
Enterprise_Boundary(E_SOLANA, "Solana") {
Person(VALIDATOR, "Validator")
SystemDb_Ext(CHAIN, "Cluster")
Enterprise_Boundary(E_GEODB, "Maxmind") {
SystemDb_Ext(GEO_DB, "Maxmind Geo DB")
Enterprise_Boundary(E_MARINADE, "Marinade") {
System(DS_COLLECTOR, "Delegation Strategy Collector", "Collects data about validators")
SystemDb(DS_DB, "Delegation Strategy DB", "Stores all collected data")
System(DS_API, "Delegation Strategy Public API", "Provides access to collected data")
System(DS_PIPELINE, "Delegation Strategy Pipeline", "Provides access to collected data")
SystemDb(DS_GITHUB_PIPELINE, "Delegation Strategy Pipeline Repository", "Stores all historical scoring inputs/outputs.")
Enterprise_Boundary(E_PUBLIC, "General Public") {
Person(DS_USER, "External User", "A user who want to use our data.")
Rel(CHAIN, DS_COLLECTOR, "Cluster and validators' data")
UpdateRelStyle(CHAIN, DS_COLLECTOR, $textColor="yellow", $lineColor="yellow", $offsetY="-10")
Rel(GEO_DB, DS_COLLECTOR, "IP address data")
UpdateRelStyle(GEO_DB, DS_COLLECTOR, $textColor="yellow", $lineColor="yellow")
Rel(DS_COLLECTOR, DS_DB, "Aggregated data")
UpdateRelStyle(DS_COLLECTOR, DS_DB, $textColor="yellow", $lineColor="yellow")
Rel(DS_DB, DS_API, "Aggregated data")
UpdateRelStyle(DS_DB, DS_API, $textColor="yellow", $lineColor="yellow")
Rel(DS_API, DS_USER, "Collected and processed data")
UpdateRelStyle(DS_API, DS_USER, $textColor="yellow", $lineColor="yellow")
Rel(DS_GITHUB_PIPELINE, DS_USER, "Scoring results")
UpdateRelStyle(DS_GITHUB_PIPELINE, DS_USER, $textColor="yellow", $lineColor="yellow")
Rel(DS_API, DS_PIPELINE, "Collected and processed data")
UpdateRelStyle(DS_API, DS_PIPELINE, $textColor="yellow", $lineColor="yellow")
UpdateRelStyle(DS_PIPELINE, DS_GITHUB_PIPELINE, $textColor="yellow", $lineColor="yellow")
UpdateLayoutConfig($c4ShapeInRow="3", $c4BoundaryInRow="4")