Programming course I attended as sophomore on Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb.
Java as a programming language. Java as a processor independent platform. Classes and objects - inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, hiding. Java collection framework - sets, lists, trees, stacks, queues, maps. Java Generics. Multithreading and multithreaded applications. Synchronization problems and synchronization techniques (mutexes, semaphores, barriers). Design and development of applications with graphical user interface: AWT and Swing; usage of existing and development of custom components. MVC paradigm. Test Driven Development (TDD). Working with files and file systems. Data streams. Distributed applications ( packet). Usage of UDP and TCP protocol. HTTP protocol. Design of Web applications. Java Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP). Web forms. Apache Tomcat. Security in Web applications. Advanced technologies: ANT, Hibernate, MySQL. Working with relational databases. Mapping and storage of objects into relational databases (O/R mapping).
- Create programs using Java programming language
- Use Java collection framework for data organization and work with files
- Develop graphical user interface using Swing
- Apply multithreading
- Combine Java application and relational database and use O/R mappers
- Construct web-servers and use Servlet and JSP technologies for construction of web applications develop distributed applications which communicate by computer network