HappyBase and AIOHappyBase are two Python Hbase clients.
- Startup Hbase and Thrift server
HappyBase and AIOHappyBase require the Hbase Thrift server to be up and running:
> cd hbase-installation
> ./bin/start-hbase.sh
> ./bin/hbase-daemon.sh start thrift
- Install poetry
The project uses Poetry to manage the virtual environment and the project dependencies so it's recommended to install Poetry
- Update dependencies
To download the dependencies declared in pyproject.toml
poetry update
- Start shell
To create or use a virtualenv execute:
poetry shell
Now you can start opening a Python shell or executing the Poetry scripts.
- Execute Poetry scripts
Check [script] section in pyproject.toml
create = "hbasegs.synchronous:hbase_create"
insert = "hbasegs.synchronous:hbase_put"
search = "hbasegs.synchronous:hbase_scan"
search_more_filters = "hbasegs.synchronous:hbase_scan_more_filters"
async_insert = "hbasegs.asynchronous:hbase_put"
async_search = "hbasegs.asynchronous:hbase_aio_use_case_main"
These are the scripts you can execute directly from command line, for instance, to create the examples table in Hbase:
poetry run create
or insert 5M rows in your local standalone Hbase:
poetry run insert