Build React and React Native applications timetables from GTFS transit data
This project follows a multi-repository approach, based on Lerna and provides the following packages:
- GTFS to React Server - An Express server that connects to the mongoDB and provides a GrapqhQL endpoint for all the clients.
- [Future Release - WIP] GTFS to React Native - A React Native application for mobile devices. It connects to the GTFS React Server for GrapqhQL data.
- GTFS to React Web - An web application that connects to the GTFS React Server for GrapqhQL data.
You need to use node-gtfs to import your GTFS data into a mongodb collection. (At the moment, it's hardcoded to read if from a localhost server with the collection name of 'gtfs') You can use any GTFS data available worldwide. TransitFeeds offer a wide array of choices for public GTFS feeds.
If you wish, you can use the config available in our repository.
Fork this project, then, install mongodb, and with the mongo daemon running, run the following to import the data to the database:
git clone
cd gtfs-to-react
npm install gtfs mongoose lerna -g
gtfs-import --configPath import-config.json
This project is a multi-repository and uses Lerna to handle versioning and publishing. At the moment of development, you need to
lerna bootstrap
To run all packages:
lerna run start --parallel
You can run each package individually by using this command inside the package folder:
npm start