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Finetuning BERT using LoRA.

Parameters from Lightning training when lora rank is 16 and I use lora weights on query, value and feedforward matrices of transformer blocks.

  | Name             | Type       | Params | Mode
0 | sbert            | BertModel  | 23.2 M | eval
1 | lora_module_list | ModuleList | 516 K  | train
2 | mlp              | MLP        | 58.1 K | train
574 K     Trainable params
22.7 M    Non-trainable params
23.3 M    Total params

The trainable parameters are about 2.46% of total parameters. The model checkpoint is of size 3.4 Mb (LoRA weights, MLP weights and optimiser state). The training is done in bfloat16. The equvalent fp32 checkpoint is 6.7 Mb large.

Training the model:

  • I finetuned the model on the IMDB sentiment analysis dataset - 25000 training examples and 25000 validation examples.

  • Frist, cd in the root of the repo.

  • Second, run export PYTHONPATH=.

  • Third, run wandb login to login to the wandb with your api key.

  • Fourth, run export WANDB_START_METHOD="thread" otherwise some weird threading exception occurs. For more info see this issue.

  • Fifth, set tokenizers env variable to avoid warnings

  • Training command:

    python src/ fit --config fit_config.yaml --trainer.accelerator=gpu --trainer.devices=1 --trainer.max_epochs=12 --trainer.check_val_every_n_epoch=2 --trainer.log_every_n_step=25 --data.num_workers=4 --my_model_checkpoint.every_n_epochs=2 --model.lora_alpha=2 --model.lora_rank=16 --model.do_lora=true --trainer.precision=bf16-true


  • After checking various configurations for the rank (8, 16, 32) and alpha parameter of LoRA (0.25, 1, 2, 8), I found that the algorithm is not very sensitive to the rank but is very sensitive to alpha. The configuration with lora_alpha=2 and lora_rank=16 seemed to work well - achieving 90.12% accuracy.

  • Each experiment was run for 12 epochs with batch_size=250 on a L4 GPU from a Lightning Studio.

    • When training in fp32 experiments with full LoRA (query, value and ffn weight adaptors) experiments took about 28 minutes with validation accuracy 89.74%.
    • When training in bf16 experiments with full LoRA (query, value and ffn weight adaptors) experiments took 8 minutes and 38 seconds with validation accuracy 90.12%.
    • When training in bf16 with LoRA only on query and value matrices, experiments took 6 minutes and 17 seconds with validation accuracy 88.93%.
    • When training in bf16 with no LoRA (only the MLP classifier) experiments took 3m and 34 seconds with validation accuracy 80.72%.
  • The best performing model used full LoRA training and was trained in bf16 format. You can see the comparison of the training curves from wandb for no-LoRA (green), LoRA only on query and value matrices (brown) and full LoRA on query, value and ffn matrices (beige). The training curve for full LoRA trained in fp32 is in cyan colour. The full LoRA achieves the least training loss in both fp32 and bf16 precision. The GPU utilisation was about 85% for full LoRA in bf16, 95% for full LoRA in fp32, but less on the others holding everything else fixed.

  • The training curves from wandb are given below:

  • The gpu utilisation curves are shown below:

Local testing with Docker:

  • I managed to deploy the model in bfloat16. The model checkpoint needs to be saved as saved_models/latest-bf16.ckpt.

  • Build the image from the root of the dir:

    docker build -t flask-pytorch-model -f api_server/Dockerfile .
  • Run the container, should start the server:

    docker run -p 5000:5000 --name flask-cont-1 flask-pytorch-model
  • From another terminal, test the app: This should be positive sentiment

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text": "The movie was wonderful!"}'

    This should be negative sentiment

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text": "The movie was awful!"}'
  • I got the following responses respectively: First result

    {"body":"{\"sentiment\": [\"positive\"]}","headers":{"Content-Type":"application/json"},"statusCode":200}

    Second result:

    {"body":"{\"sentiment\": [\"negative\"]}","headers":{"Content-Type":"application/json"},"statusCode":200}

Gradio app:

  • After export PYTHOPATH=. just run:

    gradio api_server/

    You should get a public link - something that ends in and open that link.

  • I tested the app and got the following screenshops:

    and when I input an empty string:

  • You can also serve from inside a Docker container. After you have built the image as described above, just run:

    docker run -p 5000:5000 --name flask-cont-1 flask-pytorch-model bash -c "python ./app/api_server/"

    and navigate to localhost:5000.