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GPT-2 applications:

This repo is motivated by Sebastian Raschka's book "Build a Large Language Model from Scratch".

Thanks to Lightning Studios for providing access to a GPU and a great dev environment.

Instruction Finetuning with LoRA:

Parameter breakdown:

  | Name             | Type       | Params | Mode
0 | model            | GPT        | 407 M  | train
1 | lora_module_list | ModuleList | 786 K  | train
786 K     Trainable params
406 M     Non-trainable params
407 M     Total params

I freeze the GPT2-medium model parameters and only train the LoRA adaptors. The resulting checkpoints are pretty small at 4.7 Mb including LoRA weights and optimiser states. This is when training in bfloat16. For comparison, the GPT2-medium checkpoint itself is 1.5 Gb large. The LoRA parameters account for 0.19% of all, 407M, parameters.

My improvements on the book's contents:

  • I did everything in Lightning - making it much more robust and customisable when it comes to running experiments.
  • Also added attention padding mask for the input tokens. setting attention of any proper token to a padding token to 0.
  • I trained my model in bfloat16 for more speed and less memory consumption.
  • I implemented my own LoRA finetuning utilities, which help me do parameter-efficient fine-tuning rather than changing the weights of the entire model.
  • I used Weights & Biases for experiment tracking.
  • I deployed the model to Gradio app using Docker.
  • I tested the model inference using Flask and Docker.

Deployment to Gradio app:

  • Build the image:

     docker build -t gradio-image -f api_server/Dockerfile-gradio .
  • Run the container:

     docker run -p 5000:5000 --name gradio-cont-1 gradio-image
  • Navigate to localhost:5000 and start interacting with the app:

Deployment and testing with Flask:

  • Build the image:

     docker build -t flask-gpt -f api_server/Dockerfile .
  • Run the container:

     docker run -p 5000:5000 --name flask-cont-1 flask-gpt

    and start giving instructions:

  • The bot "knows" the capital of Bulgaria:

     curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"instruction": "What is the capital of Bulgaria?"}'

    I get the answer:

     {"body":"{\"answer\": \"### Response:\\nThe capital of Bulgaria is Sofia.<|endoftext|>\"}","headers":{"Content-Type":"application/json"},"statusCode":200}

    which is correct! Without any entry relating to Bulgaria in the finetuning instructions.

  • Let's see if it can deal with inputs:

     curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"instruction": "Classify an input string as either a noun or a verb.", "input": "Dance"}'

    I got

     {"body":"{\"answer\": \"### Response:\\nDance is a verb.<|endoftext|>\"}","headers":{"Content-Type":"application/json"},"statusCode":200}

    which is correct.

  • Interestingly the bot seems to "think" it's a student from Berkeley.

     curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"instruction": "who are you"}'
     {"body":"{\"answer\": \"?\\n\\n### Response:\\nI am a student at the University of California, Berkeley.<|endoftext|>\"}","headers":{"Content-Type":"application/json"},"statusCode":200}
  • The decoding above is greedy, so I tried a stochastic decoding with temperature=1.

     curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"instruction": "who are you", "temperature": 1}'

    and I got

     {"body":"{\"answer\": \"?\\n\\n### Response:\\nI am a member of the Royal Society of London.<|endoftext|>\"}","headers":{"Content-Type":"application/json"},"statusCode":200}

    so the stochastic decoding functionality works!

Running the fine-tuning script:

  • I fine-tuned a gpt2-medium checkpoint from hugging face's repo of openai.

  • Frist, cd in the root of the repo.

  • Second, run export PYTHONPATH=.

  • Third, run wandb login to login to the wandb with your api key.

  • Fourth, run export WANDB_START_METHOD="thread" otherwise some weird threading exception occurs. For more info see this issue.

  • Fifth, run the training command to train on GPU:

     python training/ fit --config finetune_config.yaml --trainer.accelerator=gpu --trainer.devices=1 --trainer.max_epochs=48 --trainer.check_val_every_n_epoch=2 --trainer.log_every_n_steps=5 --data.num_workers=4 --my_model_checkpoint.every_n_epochs=4 --model.do_lora=true --model.lora_rank=8 --model.from_pretrained_model=gpt2-medium --data.batch_size=128 --trainer.precision=bf16-true
  • I checked lora_rank in [8, 16, 32, 64] and there wasn't much difference in loss or generated responses, so I sticked to lora_rank=8 for my final model. the final validation loss with this is around 0.8672 and the final training loss is around 0.7617.

  • The fine-tuning was done on a single L4 GPU and each run took around 5 minutes when in bfloat16 format (and around 9 minutes if in full precision).


The same dataset used as in chapter 7 from the book. I think it's a subset of the Alpaca dataset.

Link to the data in json format is here

The size of the data were:

  "train_len": 935,
  "val_len": 55,
  "test_len": 110

as per the metadata.json file.


  • The logs from generating responses to a subset of the validation set at the end of training:

    All generations ended with the <|endoftext|> token, so they the model "knew" when to stop and did not require truncation.

  • Training loss for lora_rank in [8, 16, 32, 64].

    Roughly the same for all settings of lora_rank.

  • Validation loss for lora_rank in [8, 16, 32, 64].

  • GPU utilisation:

Interesting errors caught during developing:

  • Interesting error for torch determinstic run of nn.functional.cross_entropy. Resolved by setting --trainer.deterministic=false.

     return torch._C._nn.cross_entropy_loss(input, target, weight, _Reduction.get_enum(reduction), ignore_index, label_smoothing)
     RuntimeError: nll_loss2d_forward_out_cuda_template does not have a deterministic implementation, but you set 'torch.use_deterministic_algorithms(True)'. You can turn off determinism just for this operation, or you can use the 'warn_only=True' option, if that's acceptable for your application. You can also file an issue at to help us prioritize adding deterministic support for this operation.

Quick dev run on CPU:

python training/ fit --config finetune_config.yaml --trainer.accelerator=auto --trainer.devices=1 --trainer.max_epochs=2 --trainer.check_val_every_n_epoch=1 --trainer.log_every_n_steps=25 --data.num_workers=1 --my_model_checkpoint.every_n_epochs=2 --model.do_lora=true --model.from_pretrained_model=gpt2-medium --trainer.limit_train_batches=2 --trainer.limit_val_batches=2

Lessons learned:


  • Lots of memory caching going on in parallel attention implementation as compared to for loop over heads implementation. Makes sense since each head computation is a lot less than doing everything at once. PyTorch and TensorFlow seem to be caching intermediate results.

Pre-norm vs Post-norm paper here

  • The dataset for testing this was "The Verdict" as per chapter 5 of the "Build a Large Language Model from Scratch" book.
  • Pre-norm looks to work a lot better than post-norm. When pre-training gpt2-small from scratch for 10 epochs, I got 0.7651 loss with pre-norm and 6.0799 with post-norm.
    • 10 epochs of training with pre-norm led to Average batch train loss in epoch of 0.7651.
      • Given the prompt "Every effort moves you", the generation via sampling with temperature=1 is:

        Every effort moves you?"\n\n"Yes--quite insensible to the irony. She wanted him vindicated--and by me!"\n\nHe laughed again, and threw back his head to look up at the sketch of the donkey. "There were days when I'

    • 10 epochs of training with post-norm led to Average batch train loss in epoch of 6.0799
      • Given the prompt "Every effort moves you", the generation via sampling with temperature=1 is:

        Every effort moves you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Decoder Layer clones vs fresh inits:

  • Fresh inits, as expected, worked better. Idk why the PyTorch implementation of TransformerDecoder opts in for clones of TransformerDecoderLayer as per this.

Registering the causal mask as a buffer:

If you don't register non-parameter members of the class, they are not moved to the correct device when doing model = Before I registered the mask as a buffer, my program was complaining I had some tensors on cuda and others on cpu.

mask = utils.get_subsequent_mask(context_length)
self.register_buffer("mask", mask, persistent=True)

The way to use positional embeddings:

Since I use nn.Embedding layers, I used to use their forward pass like:

return x + self.embed(torch.arange(x.size(-2)))

However, when training on GPU, torch.arange returns a tensor on the CPU, and then I also got tensors on different devices (cuda and cpu).

I fixed this by doing:

return x + self.embed.weight[:x.size(-2), :]

which just adds the first x.size(-2) embedding vectors.