Example sketch and webpage for the Arduino YUN to graph live data values generated by the 32u4. The webpage is hosted on an SD card or USB drive the graph is rendered by canvasjs.
In this example sketch the data values generated on the micro controller and passed to bridge are just random numbers, you would replace these values with actual sensor readings as required.
Load the sketch onto the Arduino YUN and then copy the bridge_graph_example_web folder on to an sd card or USB drive into path /arduino/www/bridge_graph_example_web you will need to edit the index.htm file and set the URL to the correct value for your arduino YUN, for example my arduino YUN is contactable at arduinoyun.local so change the url in index.htm to match your setup.
Finally access your graph from your browser at http://arduinoyun.local/sd/bridge_graph_example_web again replacing the arduinoyun.local part of the url to match your configuration.
This is just a quickly thrown together example it should cope with a graph refresh rate of around 1 second over a local network.