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GitHub Action

Automatic requirements.txt for Python Projects

v3.0.0 Latest version

Automatic requirements.txt for Python Projects


Automatic requirements.txt for Python Projects

This action will automatically create the requirements.txt file for a python project using the pipreqs tool


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Automatic requirements.txt for Python Projects

uses: ryan-rozario/pipreqs-action@v3.0.0

Learn more about this action in ryan-rozario/pipreqs-action

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Automatic requirement.txt for Python Projects on Github

pipreqs - Generates pip requirements.txt file based on imports of any project.

This action will automatically create the requirements.txt file for a python project using the pipreqs tool.

You can specify the location of your project folder that contains all the python files within your repository. You can specify the path to which your requirement.txt has to be saved.


Example workflow

name: Integration Test
on: [push]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@master
      - name: Automatic requirements.txt for Python Project
        uses: ryan-rozario/pipreqs-action@master

        # Put an example of mandatory inputs here
          PROJECT_PATH: project_folder   #default is the root of the repository
          REQUIREMENT_PATH: project_folder/requirements.txt  #default is requirement.txt in the root of your repository 


Input Description Default
PROJECT_PATH Gives the path to the project folder that contains the python files .
REQUIREMENT_PATH Gives the path to the location where requirements.txt has to be saved, including the requirements.txt file name requirements.txt
PROJECT_NAME Includes the project name in the commit project_name