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GitHub Action

Cache Nix store


Cache Nix store


Cache Nix store

Restore and save Nix store using GitHub Actions cache to speed up workflows


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Cache Nix store

uses: nix-community/cache-nix-action@v4.0.3

Learn more about this action in nix-community/cache-nix-action

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Cache Nix

A GitHub Action to cache Nix store paths using GitHub Actions cache.

This action is based on actions/cache.


  • Cache full Nix store into a single cache.
  • Collect garbage in the store before saving.
  • Fuse caches produced by several jobs.
  • After saving a new cache, remove old caches by creation or last access time.


  1. The nix-quick-install-action action makes /nix/store owned by an unpriviliged user.

  2. cache-nix-action restores /nix.

    • When there's a cache hit, restoring /nix/store from a cache is faster than downloading multiple paths from binary caches.
      • You can compare run times of jobs with and without store caching in Actions.
      • Open a run and click on the time under Total duration.
  3. Optionally, cache-nix-action purges old caches.

    • As Nix (flake) inputs may change, it's necessary to use fresher caches.
    • Caches can be purged by created or last accessed time (see Configuration).
  4. Optionally, cache-nix-action collects garbage in the Nix store (see Garbage Collection).

    • The store may contain useless paths from previous runs.
    • This action allows to limit nix store size (see Configuration).
  5. cache-nix-action saves a new cache when there's no cache hit.

    • Saving a cache takes time.
    • There may be no cache hit after an old matching cache was purged.


  • GitHub allows only 10GB of caches and then removes the least recently used entries (see its eviction policy).
    • Can be overcome by merging similar caches (see Merge caches)
  • cache-nix-action restores and saves the whole /nix directory.
  • cache-nix-action requires nix-quick-install-action (see Approach).
  • Store size is limited by a runner storage size (link).
  • Caches are isolated between branches (link).
  • When restoring, cache-nix-action writes cached Nix store paths into a read-only /nix/store of a runner. Some of these paths may already be present, so the action will show File exists errors and a warning that it failed to restore. It's OK.
  • It may be necessary to purge old caches (see Purge old caches).

See alternative caching approaches.

See how you can contribute.


See action.yaml, restore/action.yml, save/action.yml.

This action inherits some inputs and outputs of actions/cache.

New inputs

name description required default needs
gc-macos When true, enables on macOS runners Nix store garbage collection before saving a cache. false false gc-macos: true
gc-max-store-size-macos Maximum Nix store size in bytes on macOS runners. false
gc-linux When true, enables on Linux runners Nix store garbage collection before saving a cache. false false
gc-max-store-size-linux Maximum Nix store size in bytes on Linux runners. false gc-linux: true
purge When true, purge old caches before saving a new cache with a key. false false
purge-keys A newline-separated list of cache key prefixes used to purge caches. An empty list is equivalent to the key input. false '' purge: true
purge-accessed When true, purge caches by their last access time. false false purge: true
purge-accessed-max-age Purge caches last accessed more than this number of seconds ago. false 604800 purge-accessed: true
purge-created When true, delete caches by their creation time. false true purge: true
purge-created-max-age Purge caches created more than this number of seconds ago. false 604800 purge-created: true.
restore-key-hit When true, if a cache key matching restore-keys exists, it counts as a cache hit. Thus, a job won't save a new cache. false false
extra-restore-keys A newline-separated list of key prefixes used for restoring multiple caches. false ''


  • cache-nix-action purges only caches specific to a branch that has triggered a workflow.
  • *-max-age is relative to the time before saving a new cache.

Removed inputs

The cache-nix-action doesn't provide the path input from the original inputs of actions/cache due to limitations. Instead, the cache-nix-action caches /nix, ~/.cache/nix, ~root/.cache/nix paths by default as suggested here.


  • This action must be used with nix-quick-install-action.
  • Maximum Nix store size on Linux runners will be ~1GB due to gc-max-store-size-linux: 1000000000.
    • If the store has a larger size, it will be garbage collected to reach this limit (See Garbage collection parameters).
    • The cache-nix-action will print the Nix store size in the Post phase, so you can choose an optimal store size to avoid garbage collection.
  • On macOS runners, Nix store won't be garbage collected since gc-macos: true isn't set.
  • The cache-nix-action will find caches with a key prefix cache-${{ matrix.os }}-. Among these caches, the cache-nix-action will delete caches created more than 42 seconds ago
- uses: nixbuild/nix-quick-install-action@v25
    nix_conf: |
      substituters =
      trusted-public-keys =
      keep-outputs = true

- name: Restore and cache Nix store
  uses: nix-community/cache-nix-action@v3
    key: cache-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ hashFiles('**/*.nix') }}
    restore-keys: |
      cache-${{ matrix.os }}-

    gc-linux: true
    gc-max-store-size-linux: 1000000000
    purge-caches: true
    purge-key: cache-${{ matrix.os }}-
    purge-created: true
    purge-created-max-age: 42

Example workflow

See ci.yaml.


Garbage collection parameters

On Linux runners, when gc-linux is true, when a cache size is greater than gc-max-cache-size-linux, this action will run nix store gc --max R before saving a cache. Here, R is max(0, S - gc-max-store-size-linux), where S is the current store size. Respective conditions hold for macOS runners.

There are alternative approaches to garbage collection (see Garbage collection).

Purge old caches

The cache-nix-action allows to delete old caches after saving a new cache (see purge-* inputs in New inputs and compare-run-times in Example workflow).

The purge-cache action allows to remove caches based on their last accessed or created time without branch limitations.

Alternatively, you can use the GitHub Actions Cache API.

Merge caches

GitHub evicts LRU caches when their total size exceeds 10GB (see Limitations).

If you have multiple similar caches, you can merge them into a single cache and store just it to save space.

In short:

  1. Matrix jobs produce similar caches.
  2. The next job restores all of these individual caches, saves a common cache, and purges individual caches.
  3. On subsequent runs, matrix jobs use the common cache.

See the make-similar-caches and merge-similar-caches jobs in the example workflow.

Pros: if N individual caches are very similar, a common cache will take approximately N times less space. Cons: if caches aren't very similar, run time may increase due to a bigger common cache.

Get more space on a runner

The jlumbroso/free-disk-space action frees ~30GB of disk space in several minutes.

Caching approaches

Discussed in more details here and here.

Caching approaches work at different "distances" from /nix/store of GitHub Actions runner. These distances affect the restore and save speed.

GitHub Actions



Cons: see Limitations


Pros (link):

  • Free.
  • Uses GitHub Actions Cache and works fast.
  • Easy to set up.
  • Restores and saves paths selectively.


  • Collects telemetry (link)
  • May trigger rate limit errors (link).
  • Follows the GitHub Actions Cache semantics (link).
    • Caches are isolated between branches (link).
  • Saves a cache for each path in a store and quickly litters Caches.


If used with nix-quick-install-action, it's similar to the cache-nix-action.

If used with install-nix-action and a chroot local store:


  • Quick restore and save /tmp/nix.


  • Slow nix copy from /tmp/nix to /nix/store.

If used with install-nix-action and this trick, it's similar to the cache-nix-action, but slower (link).

Hosted binary caches

See binary cache, HTTP Binary Cache Store.


  • Restore and save paths selectively.
  • Provide LRU garbage collection strategies (cachix, attic).
  • Don't cache paths available from the NixOS cache (cachix).
  • Allow to share paths between projects (cachix).


  • Have limited free storage (cachix gives 5GB for open-source projects).
  • Need good bandwidth for receiving and pushing paths over the Internet.
  • Can be down.

Garbage collection

When restoring a Nix store from a cache, the store may contain old unnecessary paths. These paths should be removed sometimes to limit cache size and ensure the fastest restore/save steps.

GC approach 1

Produce a cache once, use it multiple times. Don't collect garbage.


  • Unnecessary paths are saved to a cache only during a new save.


  • Unnecessary paths can accumulate between new saves.
    • A job at the firs run produces a path A and saves a cache.
    • The job at the second run restores the cache, produces a path B, and saves a cache. The cache has both A and B.
    • etc.

GC approach 2

Collect garbage before saving a cache.


  • Automatically keep cache at a minimal/limited size


  • No standard way to gc only old paths.

Save a path from GC

  • Use nix profile install to save installables from garbage collection.
    • Get store paths of inputs via nix flake archive (see comment).
    • Get outputs via nix flake show --json | jq '.packages."x86_64-linux"|keys[]'| xargs -I {} on x86_64-linux (see this issue).
  • Keep inputs (see this issue and this issue).
  • Start direnv in background.

Garbage collection approaches


Cache action

!!! This documentation was inherited from actions/cache and may be partially irrelevant to cache-nix-action

This action allows caching dependencies and build outputs to improve workflow execution time.

Two other actions are available in addition to the primary cache action:



See "Caching dependencies to speed up workflows".

What's New


  • Added support for caching in GHES 3.5+.
  • Fixed download issue for files > 2GB during restore.
  • Updated the minimum runner version support from node 12 -> node 16.
  • Fixed avoiding empty cache save when no files are available for caching.
  • Fixed tar creation error while trying to create tar with path as ~/ home folder on ubuntu-latest.
  • Fixed zstd failing on amazon linux 2.0 runners.
  • Fixed cache not working with github workspace directory or current directory.
  • Fixed the download stuck problem by introducing a timeout of 1 hour for cache downloads.
  • Fix zstd not working for windows on gnu tar in issues.
  • Allowing users to provide a custom timeout as input for aborting download of a cache segment using an environment variable SEGMENT_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_MINS. Default is 10 minutes.
  • New actions are available for granular control over caches - restore and save.
  • Support cross-os caching as an opt-in feature. See Cross OS caching for more info.
  • Added option to fail job on cache miss. See Exit workflow on cache miss for more info.
  • Fix zstd not being used after zstd version upgrade to 1.5.4 on hosted runners
  • Added option to lookup cache without downloading it.
  • Reduced segment size to 128MB and segment timeout to 10 minutes to fail fast in case the cache download is stuck.

See the v2 for older updates.



Create a workflow .yml file in your repository's .github/workflows directory. An example workflow is available below. For more information, see the GitHub Help Documentation for Creating a workflow file.

If you are using this inside a container, a POSIX-compliant tar needs to be included and accessible from the execution path.

If you are using a self-hosted Windows runner, GNU tar and zstd are required for Cross-OS caching to work. They are also recommended to be installed in general so the performance is on par with hosted Windows runners.


  • key - An explicit key for a cache entry. See creating a cache key.
  • path - A list of files, directories, and wildcard patterns to cache and restore. See @actions/glob for supported patterns.
  • restore-keys - An ordered list of prefix-matched keys to use for restoring stale cache if no cache hit occurred for key.
  • enableCrossOsArchive - An optional boolean when enabled, allows Windows runners to save or restore caches that can be restored or saved respectively on other platforms. Default: false
  • fail-on-cache-miss - Fail the workflow if cache entry is not found. Default: false
  • lookup-only - If true, only checks if cache entry exists and skips download. Does not change save cache behavior. Default: false

Environment Variables

  • SEGMENT_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_MINS - Segment download timeout (in minutes, default 10) to abort download of the segment if not completed in the defined number of minutes. Read more


  • cache-hit - A boolean value to indicate an exact match was found for the key.

    Note cache-hit will only be set to true when a cache hit occurs for the exact key match. For a partial key match via restore-keys or a cache miss, it will be set to false.

See Skipping steps based on cache-hit for info on using this output

Cache scopes

The cache is scoped to the key, version, and branch. The default branch cache is available to other branches.

See Matching a cache key for more info.

Example cache workflow

Restoring and saving cache using a single action

name: Caching Primes

on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: Cache Primes
      id: cache-primes
      uses: actions/cache@v3
        path: prime-numbers
        key: ${{ runner.os }}-primes

    - name: Generate Prime Numbers
      if: steps.cache-primes.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
      run: / -d prime-numbers

    - name: Use Prime Numbers
      run: / -d prime-numbers

The cache action provides a cache-hit output which is set to true when the cache is restored using the primary key and false when the cache is restored using restore-keys or no cache is restored.

Using a combination of restore and save actions

name: Caching Primes

on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: Restore cached Primes
      id: cache-primes-restore
      uses: actions/cache/restore@v3
        path: |
        key: ${{ runner.os }}-primes
    . //intermediate workflow steps
    - name: Save Primes
      id: cache-primes-save
      uses: actions/cache/save@v3
        path: |
        key: ${{ steps.cache-primes-restore.outputs.cache-primary-key }}

Note You must use the cache or restore action in your workflow before you need to use the files that might be restored from the cache. If the provided key matches an existing cache, a new cache is not created and if the provided key doesn't match an existing cache, a new cache is automatically created provided the job completes successfully.

Caching Strategies

With the introduction of the restore and save actions, a lot of caching use cases can now be achieved. Please see the caching strategies document for understanding how you can use the actions strategically to achieve the desired goal.

Implementation Examples

Every programming language and framework has its own way of caching.

See Examples for a list of actions/cache implementations for use with:

Creating a cache key

A cache key can include any of the contexts, functions, literals, and operators supported by GitHub Actions.

For example, using the hashFiles function allows you to create a new cache when dependencies change.

  - uses: actions/cache@v3
      path: |
      key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('**/lockfiles') }}

Additionally, you can use arbitrary command output in a cache key, such as a date or software version:

  - name: Get Date
    id: get-date
    run: |
      echo "date=$(/bin/date -u "+%Y%m%d")" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
    shell: bash

  - uses: actions/cache@v3
      path: path/to/dependencies
      key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ }}-${{ hashFiles('**/lockfiles') }}

See Using contexts to create cache keys

Cache Limits

A repository can have up to 10GB of caches. Once the 10GB limit is reached, older caches will be evicted based on when the cache was last accessed. Caches that are not accessed within the last week will also be evicted.

Skipping steps based on cache-hit

Using the cache-hit output, subsequent steps (such as install or build) can be skipped when a cache hit occurs on the key. It is recommended to install missing/updated dependencies in case of a partial key match when the key is dependent on the hash of the package file.


  - uses: actions/checkout@v3

  - uses: actions/cache@v3
    id: cache
      path: path/to/dependencies
      key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('**/lockfiles') }}

  - name: Install Dependencies
    if: steps.cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
    run: /

Note The id defined in actions/cache must match the id in the if statement (i.e. steps.[ID].outputs.cache-hit)

Cache Version

Cache version is a hash generated for a combination of compression tool used (Gzip, Zstd, etc. based on the runner OS) and the path of directories being cached. If two caches have different versions, they are identified as unique caches while matching. This, for example, means that a cache created on a windows-latest runner can't be restored on ubuntu-latest as cache Versions are different.

Pro tip: The list caches API can be used to get the version of a cache. This can be helpful to troubleshoot cache miss due to version.

Example The workflow will create 3 unique caches with same keys. Ubuntu and windows runners will use different compression technique and hence create two different caches. And `build-linux` will create two different caches as the `paths` are different.
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Cache Primes
        id: cache-primes
        uses: actions/cache@v3
          path: prime-numbers
          key: primes

      - name: Generate Prime Numbers
        if: steps.cache-primes.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
        run: ./ -d prime-numbers

      - name: Cache Numbers
        id: cache-numbers
        uses: actions/cache@v3
          path: numbers
          key: primes

      - name: Generate Numbers
        if: steps.cache-numbers.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
        run: ./ -d numbers

    runs-on: windows-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Cache Primes
        id: cache-primes
        uses: actions/cache@v3
          path: prime-numbers
          key: primes

      - name: Generate Prime Numbers
        if: steps.cache-primes.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
        run: ./generate-primes -d prime-numbers

Known practices and workarounds

There are a number of community practices/workarounds to fulfill specific requirements. You may choose to use them if they suit your use case. Note these are not necessarily the only solution or even a recommended solution.

Windows environment variables

Please note that Windows environment variables (like %LocalAppData%) will NOT be expanded by this action. Instead, prefer using ~ in your paths which will expand to the HOME directory. For example, instead of %LocalAppData%, use ~\AppData\Local. For a list of supported default environment variables, see the Learn GitHub Actions: Variables page.


We would love for you to contribute to actions/cache. Pull requests are welcome! Please see the for more information.


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License