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GitHub Action

Comment Reaction


Comment Reaction


Comment Reaction

React to a comment within a GitHub Issue or Pull Request


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Comment Reaction

uses: dkershner6/reaction-action@v2.2.0

Learn more about this action in dkershner6/reaction-action

Choose a version

Issue or Pull Request Comment Reaction

React to any comment with the GitHub Reaction types.


- name: React to comment
  uses: dkershner6/reaction-action@v2 # You can also use a specific version, e.g. v2.0.0
    token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    commentId: 1234 # Optional if the trigger is a comment. Use another action to find this otherwise.
    reaction: "hooray" # Optional, defaults to +1

Valid reactions (if this is incomplete, please open an issue)



All contributions are welcome, please open an issue or pull request.

To use this repository:

  1. npm i -g pnpm (if don't have pnpm installed)
  2. pnpm i
  3. npx projen (this will ensure everything is setup correctly, and you can run this command at any time)
  4. Good to make your changes!
  5. You can run npx projen build at any time to build the project.